VIVA Studio – Terms of use


Procedure for using the Viva Studio

The equipment within the VIVA Studio must remain on-site at the Douglas at all times and the use of equipment outside of the Studio must have been explicitly approved by the person in charge of the Studio.

Any use of the VIVA Studio space or equipment requires a formal reservation in advance. Unauthorized use of the facilities will not be permitted.

Users are responsible for the integrity of the equipment they employ. Any damage or wear observed by users must be reported to the individual responsible for VIVA Studio. In the event of damage caused by a user, that user agrees to repair or replace the affected equipment promptly.

All productions resulting from the use of VIVA Studio must acknowledge the studio in credits or acknowledgments in any publications or other communications stemming from this use, thereby recognizing its contribution to the final research product.

Users will inform the individual responsible for VIVA Studio about the achievements accomplished through the utilization of the studio.

Users from outside the Douglas Research Centre

The VIVA Studio has been designed and developed to promote communication of mental health research at the Douglas. Consequently, its usage is primarily intended for research teams affiliated with the Douglas Research Centre, and these teams have priority access. External users must be aware of this priority.

Currently, the use of VIVA Studio is free of charge for teams from the CIUSSS de l’Ouest-de-l’Île-de-Montréal. However, a billing system may be implemented in the future, in which case users will be notified in advance.