C. elegans as a model for neurodevelopmental stress
Dr. Michael Hendricks, Ph.D.( Assistant Professor, Department of Biology, McGill University)
Affiliated with McGill University and the Montreal West Island IUHSSC
Dr. Michael Hendricks, Ph.D.( Assistant Professor, Department of Biology, McGill University)
Dr. Patrick Davidson, Ph.D. (Associate Professor, School of Psychology, Bruyère Research Institute, Brain Mind Research Institute,University of Ottawa)
Dr. Christopher Pack, Ph.D. (Associate Professor, Montreal Neurological Institute)
Dr Massimo Avoli, Ph.D. (Professor Montreal Neurological Institute, and Departments of Neurology & Neurosurgery and of Physiology, McGill University) “Involvement of inhibitory neuronal networks in focal seizure onset “
Conference by Karim Nader – James McGill Professor, McGill University
Dr. Mallar Chakravarty, Ph.D. (Researcher, Douglas Institute, Computational Neuroscientist, Brain Imaging Centre, Douglas Institute, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry, McGill University)Translational neuroimaging and computational neuroanatomy for neuropsychiatric disorders
Dr. Andrew Chapman, Ph.D. (Professor, Center for Studies in Behavioral Neurobiology, Dept. of Psychology, Concordia University)“ Modulatory effects of dopamine on synaptic responses within the entorhinal cortex “
Dr. Timothy Kennedy, Ph.D. (co-Director, McGill Program in Neuroengineering, Professor, Dept of Neurology and Neurosurgery, and Dept of Anatomy and Cell Biology, Montreal Neurological Institute, McGill University.)“Molecular Strategies for Remembering: Neuronal Netrin-1 … Read more
Dr.Sonia Lupien, Ph.D.( Director, Centre for Studies on Human Stress, Institut universitaire en santé mentale de Montréal –CIUSSS) “’The Mental Health Signature Biobank : Psychosocial Data and Human Biological Specimens Accessible … Read more
Dr. Kevin Allen, Ph.D. (Junior Group Leader, Medical Faculty of Heidelberg University)“Impact of visual landmarks on the spatial properties of neurons in the medial entorhinal cortex”