Supporting Clinical Research

carcDouglas clinical researchers pursue mental health research in numerous areas. To support their activities in clinical research, we have established two entities that work closely: the Centre for the Advancement of Clinical Research (CARC), and the Clinical Research Innovation Centre (CRIC). These two entities are working closely to expand the outpatient research services offered and ensure that the activities are compliant with Health Canada Regulatory requirements.

The Centre for the Advancement of Clinical Research (CARC)

CARC’s goal is to increase knowledge of mechanisms, diagnosis, and psychiatric treatment of mental disorders through clinical research. Prevention is also a prime concern.

CARC facilities and services consist of an outpatient service unit for blood withdrawal, electrocardiology, as well as physiological, psychological, behavioral, and other types of assessments, and observation.

CARC collaborates closely with the Douglas Research Centre.


Centre for the Advancement of Clinical Research
Douglas Institute
FBC Pavilion, 2nd Floor
6875 LaSalle Boulevard
Montreal, (Quebec) H4H 1R3

Phone: 514-761-6131, ext. 3395
Fax: 514-888-4064

The Clinical Research Innovation Centre (CRIC)

The Douglas’ new Clinical Research Innovation Centre (CRIC) is working to provide tools to clinician-researchers to aid them with the conduct of their studies in a fully compliant manner.

Building on previous capacities, the CRIC is a newly founded clinical research unit based at the Douglas Mental Health University Institute. Our goal is to develop a self-sustaining, quality Health Canada regulated clinical research program for the whole of the organization to bring cutting edge medical innovations to our patients so that we can conduct clinical trials in all areas of adult and child psychiatry.

For more information on Services offered by the CRIC and templates and other useful resources, please see: