Students at the Douglas Hospital Research Institute join the Integrated Program in Neuroscience (IPN) or in the graduate program in Psychiatry at McGill University.
The Integrated Program in Neuroscience is an inter-disciplinary, inter-departmental graduate program. With more than 300 graduate students and over 180 IPN professors, the IPN is Canada’s largest graduate neuroscience program. The IPN spans the full spectrum of neuroscientific fields of research, from cellular and molecular neuroscience to behavioral and cognitive neuroscience.
Learn more on the McGill Integrated Program in Neuroscience Website.
The graduate program in Psychiatry admits applicants from a wide range of backgrounds, including anthropology, genetics, medicine, neuroscience, and psychology. The McGill Psychiatry faculty’s research areas are diverse, including behavioural genetics, neuroimaging, neuroscience, public policy and transcultural psychiatry, and encompassing both quantitative and qualitative research methods (animal models, human models, and studies involving psychiatric patients).
Learn more on the Psychiatry Graduate Program website.