Leader: Naguib Mechawar, PhD
For decades, research on stress and stress-related disorders has been one of the core strengths of the Douglas Research Centre. We bring together a group of investigators who are exploring the nature and consequences of stress exposure during different stages of life. These investigators, who are spread across the Centre’s four divisions, use a wide range of approaches including (but not limited to) basic research with animal models and human tissue samples, and clinical and psychosocial research. By studying various dimensions of stress, resilience to stress and stress-related psychopathologies, their main objective is, ultimately, to improve prevention and treatment.
Research Program
The overarching goals of Stress, Anxiety, Depression, and Suicide are the following.
- Better understand the functional consequences of chronic stress and the nature of resilience at the cellular, molecular and behavioral levels.
- Identify the environmental and biological factors associated with vulnerability or resilience to chronic stress.
- Develop better evidence-based interventions and policies aimed at preventing and treating stress-related mental illnesses.
Research Groups
Centre pour les avancées en prévention de la dépression et du suicide chez les jeunes
Centre de recherche translationnelle sur les troubles de l’humeur et le suicide