Research at the Eating Disorders Continuum



The Eating Disorders Continuum (EDC) in Montreal is the only large-scale, specialized eating-disorder program in Quebec that offers outpatient, day program and inpatient services for adults and older adolescents with eating disorders. Research is an integral part of the EDC and has a special focus on the biopsychosocial pathways to eating disorders.

Eating disorders are understood to be multiply determined by genetic factors (that shape emotion regulation, reward sensitivity, energy metabolism, appetite, and other variations), environmental triggers (including perinatal insults, developmental stressors, later-life stressors), state-related effects (owing to the nutritional and mental status) and ultimately, social inducements toward intensive caloric restraint. Consequently, research at the EDC applies multiple methodologies and approaches to the study of eating disorders from multiple perspectives. Our research projects on eating disorders aim at better understanding neurobiological mechanisms, early risk factors and factors predicting treatment course. Our overarching goal is to characterize the disorders better psychologically and physiologically, and we are interested in the mechanisms that lead neurobiological systems, psychological and social factors to interact, leading to the development of eating disorders and recovery. Ultimately, our focus is developing means to facilitate diagnosis, treatment, and onset prevention of eating disorders.

The research at the EDC is centred around the following research themes: (i) neurobiological mechanisms of eating disorders (e.g., brain, genetic and epigenetic processes), (ii) biopsychosocial predictors and trajectories of treatment response (iii) development and application of virtual interventions and (iv) effectiveness of knowledge transfer initiatives.

For inquiries about research, including academic training, research positions, media requests or any other relevant information, please contact Dr. Linda Booij,  Head of Research and Academic Development. Tel: 514-761-6131, ext. 3522. Email:


Research at the Eating Disorders Continuum