Research Framework

Norme 1 : L’établissement dont les activités comprennent la réalisation de recherches se déroulant sous ses auspices met en place un cadre réglementaire sur les activités de recherche, adopté par le conseil d’administration.

* Cadre de référence ministériel pour l’encadrement de la recherche avec des participants humains dans les établissements du RSSS 

In June 2018, the  Montreal West Island Integrated University Health and Social Services Centre (MWI IUHSSC) adopted a Policy Governing Research Activities with Humans. Under this policy, all persons involved in research, including researchers, research professionals, students, volunteers, and clinical employees, must adhere to a responsible code of conduct and obtain research privileges to conduct or participate in scientific work in the MWI IUHSSC and its sites, including the Douglas Research Centre and the St. Mary’s Research Centre. Also according to this policy, all research projects must be approved for science, ethics, and site-specific requirements, and must be authorized by the mandated person of the MWI IUHSSC before they can begin. Research activities are governed by the following policies and procedures.

Inquiries related to questions of ethics in research, including requests for documentation,  can be sent to:
For more information about the ethical assessment of a project involving an institution of the RSSS, you can also consult theDirection de l’éthique et de la qualité du MSSS.
Read our policy for the promotion a welcoming environment and prevention of harassement and violence in the workplace: Politique en matière de promotion de la civilité et de prévention du harcèlement et de la violence en milieu de travail – CIUSSS-ODIM

PDF icon Policy Governing Research Activities with Humans (fr)

PDF icon Douglas Financial Conflict of Interest Procedure