Registration form for VIVA Mental Health / Science POP competition Douglas Research Centre

Register for the 2024 VIVA Mental Health competition! 

This competition allows students and postdocs of the Douglas Research Centre to gain experience in communicating their research topic to a wider audience. The winners of this year’s competition will move on to the provincial finals of the Science POP competition.

You can select from three challenges; these three competitions will be held in parallel, with different objectives and formats.

1. Outreach Challenge

In a 5-minute maximum presentation (in English or in French) candidates will use their creativity to explain a central element of their research project, using accessible language.

To take on this challenge, they must first break your research project down into core notions. Then, they will pick one of those notions and use their educational skills and creativity to translate it into information accessible to a lay audience.

Find out more about the Outreach Challenge here

Downloadable pdf summary – Outreach

2. Media Challenge

In 2-minute maximum presentations (in English or in French), and in an accompanying press-release, candidates will highlight the novel aspects of their research project and its short- and long-term benefits.

To take on this challenge, they will need to put their communication skills to good use by first writing a proper news release*, that highlights the importance of your research work. Respecting the format and guidelines is a major part of the challenge. 

Then, on the day of the competition, they will have the equivalent of an elevator ride to catch the audience’s attention with a pitch-style presentation, which should start with a catchphrase, pick up on the key points of the news release and end on a powerful conclusion.

Find out more about the Media Challenge here

Downloadable pdf summary – Media

3. Sustainable Health Challenge

The candidates (1 or 2) will present a 7-minute TEDx-style talk. They are permitted to use an unlimited number of slides, as well as one prop.

To take on this challenge, they will first have to undertake some introspection about their role, as scientists and members of Quebec society, in promoting sustainable health. Then, they will need to showcase their vision by presenting a personal initiative to develop in the near future, or that they have implemented less than a year ago.

Find out more about the Sustainable Health Challenge here

Downloadable pdf summary – Sustainable Health


The competition is open to graduate students (Master’s and doctoral levels) and postdoctoral trainees whose primary supervisor is a principal investigator at the Douglas Research Centre. Cash prizes will be given to the top few presenters of each challenge within the Douglas VIVA competition. The trainee winning the first prize in each of the two challenges will also participate in the Quebec Science POP finals.

Spots are limited for each of the challenges held at the Douglas. Applicants will be selected based on the information provided in the form below.

Timeline of the competition

  • May 7, 2024: Submission of registration requests (via this form)
  • Mid-May 2024: Selection of the applicants for each challenge
  • May-June 2024: Preparation of the oral presentations, et creation of a short video of you presenting the talk (VIVA Studio available for this, if needed); short training sessions on lay communication and knowledge transfer
  • June 2024: Submission of the videos, and feedback based these videos
  • July-August 2024: Finalization of the presentations on the basis of the feedback
  • September 25, 2024; afternoon: VIVA Award event (in person, at the Douglas)
  • November 21-22, 2024: provincial Science POP finals, in person, in Montreal (for the winner of each Douglas VIVA challenge)


For any questions, contact us at:

The deadline to submit this form is Tuesday, April 30, 2024, 5 pm.