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Jafari, Zahra; Copps, Thomas; Hole, Glenn; Kolb, Bryan E; Mohajerani, Majid H

Noise Damage Accelerates Auditory Aging and Tinnitus: A Canadian Population-Based Study Journal Article

In: Otol Neurotol, vol. 41, no. 10, pp. 1316–1326, 2020, ISSN: 1537-4505.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Foo, Shanny; Bohbot, Veronique D

Theta rhythm across the species: Bridging inconsistencies with a multiple memory systems approach Journal Article

In: Behav Neurosci, vol. 134, no. 6, pp. 475–490, 2020, ISSN: 1939-0084.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Qi, Bill; Fiori, Laura M; Turecki, Gustavo; Trakadis, Yannis J

Machine Learning Analysis of Blood microRNA Data in Major Depression: A Case-Control Study for Biomarker Discovery Journal Article

In: Int J Neuropsychopharmacol, vol. 23, no. 8, pp. 505–510, 2020, ISSN: 1469-5111.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Lavin-Gonzalez, Paola; Bourguignon, Clément; Crescenzi, Olivia; Beaulieu, Serge; Storch, Kai-Florian; Linnaranta, Outi

Inactograms and objective sleep measures as means to capture subjective sleep problems in patients with a bipolar disorder Journal Article

In: Bipolar Disord, vol. 22, no. 7, pp. 722–730, 2020, ISSN: 1399-5618.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Cheng, Yubo; Saville, Luke; Gollen, Babita; Isaac, Christopher; Belay, Abel; Mehla, Jogender; Patel, Kush; Thakor, Nehal; Mohajerani, Majid H; Zovoilis, Athanasios

Increased processing of SINE B2 ncRNAs unveils a novel type of transcriptome deregulation in amyloid beta neuropathology Journal Article

In: Elife, vol. 9, 2020, ISSN: 2050-084X.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Jafari, Zahra; Kolb, Bryan E; Mohajerani, Majid H

Neural oscillations and brain stimulation in Alzheimer's disease Journal Article

In: Prog Neurobiol, vol. 194, pp. 101878, 2020, ISSN: 1873-5118.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Kaul, Dominic; Smith, Caine C; Stevens, Julia; Fröhlich, Anna S; Binder, Elisabeth B; Mechawar, Naguib; Schwab, Sibylle G; Matosin, Natalie

Severe childhood and adulthood stress associates with neocortical layer-specific reductions of mature spines in psychiatric disorders Journal Article

In: Neurobiol Stress, vol. 13, pp. 100270, 2020, ISSN: 2352-2895.

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Asseyer, Susanna; Kuchling, Joseph; Gaetano, Laura; Komnenić, Darko; Siebert, Nadja; Chien, Claudia; Scheel, Michael; Oertel, Frederike C; Ruprecht, Klemens; Bellmann-Strobl, Judith; Finke, Carsten; Chakravarty, M Mallar; Magon, Stefano; Wuerfel, Jens; Paul, Friedemann; Papadopoulou, Athina; Brandt, Alexander U

Ventral posterior nucleus volume is associated with neuropathic pain intensity in neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders Journal Article

In: Mult Scler Relat Disord, vol. 46, pp. 102579, 2020, ISSN: 2211-0356.

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Morgunova, Alice; Pokhvisneva, Irina; Nolvi, Saara; Entringer, Sonja; Wadhwa, Pathik; Gilmore, John; Styner, Martin; Buss, Claudia; Sassi, Roberto Britto; Hall, Geoffrey B C; O'Donnell, Kieran J; Meaney, Michael J; Silveira, Patricia P; Flores, Cecilia A

gene network in the prefrontal cortex is associated with total brain volume in childhood Journal Article

In: J Psychiatry Neurosci, vol. 46, no. 1, pp. E154–E163, 2020, ISSN: 1488-2434.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Caplan, Rachel; Nelson, Geoffrey; Distasio, Jino; Isaak, Corinne; Edel, Betty; Piat, Myra; Macnaughton, Eric; Kirst, Maritt; Patterson, Michelle; Aubry, Tim; Mulligan, Susan; Goering, Paula

Indigenous and non-Indigenous parents separated from their children and experiencing homelessness and mental illness in Canada Journal Article

In: J Community Psychol, vol. 48, no. 8, pp. 2753–2772, 2020, ISSN: 1520-6629.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Maduro, Alexandra; Elgar, Frank; Demchenko, Ilya; Carboni-Jiménez, Andrea; Mady, Noor; Tounkara, Fama; Sapkota, Ram P; Brunet, Alain

Methodological restrictions within a birth cohort study examining maternal mood symptoms and postpartum depression Miscellaneous

2020, ISSN: 1433-9285.

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Bertrand, Lia; Bourguignon, Clément; Beaulieu, Serge; Storch, Kai-Florian; Linnaranta, Outi

Suicidal Ideation and Insomnia in Bipolar Disorders: Idéation suicidaire et insomnie dans les troubles bipolaires Journal Article

In: Can J Psychiatry, vol. 65, no. 11, pp. 802–810, 2020, ISSN: 1497-0015.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Snytte, Jamie; Elshiekh, Abdelhalim; Subramaniapillai, Sivaniya; Manning, Lyssa; Pasvanis, Stamatoula; Devenyi, Gabriel A; Olsen, Rosanna K; Rajah, Maria Natasha

The ratio of posterior-anterior medial temporal lobe volumes predicts source memory performance in healthy young adults Journal Article

In: Hippocampus, vol. 30, no. 11, pp. 1209–1227, 2020, ISSN: 1098-1063.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Demchenko, Ilya; Debruille, J Bruno; Sinha, Sujata; Carboni-Jiménez, Andrea; Hwang, Philippe; Maduro, Alexandra; Mady, Noor; Tounkara, Fama; Sapkota, Ram P; Brunet, Alain

Letter to the editor: Can early posterior negativity and late posterior potential reduction be state biomarkers of emotional scene processing in bipolar disorder? Miscellaneous

2020, ISSN: 1879-1379.

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Han, Ji Won; Maillard, Pauline; Harvey, Danielle; Fletcher, Evan; Martinez, Oliver; Johnson, David K; Olichney, John M; Farias, Sarah T; Villeneuve, Sylvia; Jagust, William; Mungas, Dan; DeCarli, Charles

Association of vascular brain injury, neurodegeneration, amyloid, and cognitive trajectory Journal Article

In: Neurology, vol. 95, no. 19, pp. e2622–e2634, 2020, ISSN: 1526-632X.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Li, Muzi; Liu, Sibei; D'Arcy, Carl; Gao, Tingting; Meng, Xiangfei

Interactions of childhood maltreatment and genetic variations in adult depression: A systematic review Journal Article

In: J Affect Disord, vol. 276, pp. 119–136, 2020, ISSN: 1573-2517.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Booij, Linda; Steiger, Howard

Applying epigenetic science to the understanding of eating disorders: a promising paradigm for research and practice Journal Article

In: Curr Opin Psychiatry, vol. 33, no. 6, pp. 515–520, 2020, ISSN: 1473-6578.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Lal, Shalini; Gleeson, John; Rivard, Lysanne; D'Alfonso, Simon; Joober, Ridha; Malla, Ashok; Alvarez-Jimenez, Mario

Adaptation of a Digital Health Innovation to Prevent Relapse and Support Recovery in Youth Receiving Services for First-Episode Psychosis: Results From the Horyzons-Canada Phase 1 Study Journal Article

In: JMIR Form Res, vol. 4, no. 10, pp. e19887, 2020, ISSN: 2561-326X.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Tomasone, Jennifer R; Flood, Stephanie M; Latimer-Cheung, Amy E; Faulkner, Guy; Duggan, Mary; Jones, Rebecca; Lane, Kirstin N; Bevington, Frances; Carrier, Julie; Dolf, Matt; Doucette, Kevin; Faught, Emma; Gierc, Madelaine; Giouridis, Nicole; Gruber, Reut; Johnston, Nora; Kauffeldt, Kaitlyn D; Kennedy, William; Lorbergs, Amanda; Maclaren, Kaleigh; Ross, Robert; Tytler, Kim; Walters, Alexandra J; Welsh, Frank; Brouwers, Melissa C

Knowledge translation of the Canadian 24-Hour Movement Guidelines for Adults aged 18-64 years and Adults aged 65 years or older: a collaborative movement guideline knowledge translation process Journal Article

In: Appl Physiol Nutr Metab, vol. 45, no. 10 (Suppl. 2), pp. S103–S124, 2020, ISSN: 1715-5320.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Guadagno, Angela; Verlezza, Silvanna; Long, Hong; Wong, Tak Pan; Walker, Claire-Dominique

It Is All in the Right Amygdala: Increased Synaptic Plasticity and Perineuronal Nets in Male, But Not Female, Juvenile Rat Pups after Exposure to Early-Life Stress Journal Article

In: J Neurosci, vol. 40, no. 43, pp. 8276–8291, 2020, ISSN: 1529-2401.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Ibrahim, Karim S; Abd-Elrahman, Khaled S; Mestikawy, Salah El; Ferguson, Stephen S G

Targeting Vesicular Glutamate Transporter Machinery: Implications on Metabotropic Glutamate Receptor 5 Signaling and Behavior Journal Article

In: Mol Pharmacol, vol. 98, no. 4, pp. 314–327, 2020, ISSN: 1521-0111.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Silveira, Patrícia Pelufo

Using advanced genomics to bring behavior to the table Journal Article

In: Am J Clin Nutr, vol. 112, no. 4, pp. 913–914, 2020, ISSN: 1938-3207.

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Latimer, Eric A; Rabouin, Daniel; Cao, Zhirong; Ly, Angela; Powell, Guido; Aubry, Tim; Distasio, Jino; Hwang, Stephen W; Somers, Julian M; Bayoumi, Ahmed M; Mitton, Craig; Moodie, Erica E M; and, Paula N Goering

Cost-Effectiveness of Housing First With Assertive Community Treatment: Results From the Canadian At Home/Chez Soi Trial Journal Article

In: Psychiatr Serv, vol. 71, no. 10, pp. 1020–1030, 2020, ISSN: 1557-9700.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Schmitz, Norbert; Holley, Paul; Meng, Xiangfei; Fish, Laura; Jedwab, Jack

COVID-19 and Depressive Symptoms: A Community-based Study in Quebec, Canada Miscellaneous

2020, ISSN: 1497-0015.

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Torres-Berrío, Angélica; Hernandez, Giovanni; Nestler, Eric J; Flores, Cecilia

The Netrin-1/DCC Guidance Cue Pathway as a Molecular Target in Depression: Translational Evidence Journal Article

In: Biol Psychiatry, vol. 88, no. 8, pp. 611–624, 2020, ISSN: 1873-2402.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Makowski, Carolina; Lewis, John D; Khundrakpam, Budhachandra; Tardif, Christine L; Palaniyappan, Lena; Joober, Ridha; Malla, Ashok; Shah, Jai L; Bodnar, Michael; Chakravarty, M Mallar; Evans, Alan C; Lepage, Martin

Altered hippocampal centrality and dynamic anatomical covariance of intracortical microstructure in first episode psychosis Journal Article

In: Hippocampus, vol. 30, no. 10, pp. 1058–1072, 2020, ISSN: 1098-1063.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Rabin, Rachel A

Commentary on Walsh et al. (2020): Tobacco and cannabis co-use- considerations for treatment Journal Article

In: Addiction, vol. 115, no. 10, pp. 1815–1816, 2020, ISSN: 1360-0443.

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Wang, Huali; Li, Tao; Gauthier, Serge; Yu, Enyan; Tang, Yanqing; Barbarino, Paola; Yu, Xin

Coronavirus epidemic and geriatric mental healthcare in China: how a coordinated response by professional organizations helped older adults during an unprecedented crisis Journal Article

In: Int Psychogeriatr, vol. 32, no. 10, pp. 1117–1120, 2020, ISSN: 1741-203X.

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Erlangsen, Annette; Appadurai, Vivek; Wang, Yunpeng; Turecki, Gustavo; Mors, Ole; Werge, Thomas; Mortensen, Preben B; Starnawska, Anna; Børglum, Anders D; Schork, Andrew; Nudel, Ron; Bækvad-Hansen, Marie; Bybjerg-Grauholm, Jonas; Hougaard, David M; Thompson, Wesley K; Nordentoft, Merete; Agerbo, Esben

Genetics of suicide attempts in individuals with and without mental disorders: a population-based genome-wide association study Journal Article

In: Mol Psychiatry, vol. 25, no. 10, pp. 2410–2421, 2020, ISSN: 1476-5578.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

den Bergh, Bea R H Van; van den Heuvel, Marion I; Lahti, Marius; Braeken, Marijke; de Rooij, Susanne R; Entringer, Sonja; Hoyer, Dirk; Roseboom, Tessa; Räikkönen, Katri; King, Suzanne; Schwab, Matthias

Prenatal developmental origins of behavior and mental health: The influence of maternal stress in pregnancy Journal Article

In: Neurosci Biobehav Rev, vol. 117, pp. 26–64, 2020, ISSN: 1873-7528.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Jafari, Zahra; Kolb, Bryan E; Mohajerani, Majid H

Noise exposure accelerates the risk of cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease: Adulthood, gestational, and prenatal mechanistic evidence from animal studies Journal Article

In: Neurosci Biobehav Rev, vol. 117, pp. 110–128, 2020, ISSN: 1873-7528.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Germann, Jürgen; Gouveia, Flavia Venetucci; Martinez, Raquel C R; Zanetti, Marcus Vinicius; de Souza Duran, Fábio Luís; Chaim-Avancini, Tiffany M; Serpa, Mauricio H; Chakravarty, M Mallar; Devenyi, Gabriel A

Fully Automated Habenula Segmentation Provides Robust and Reliable Volume Estimation Across Large Magnetic Resonance Imaging Datasets, Suggesting Intriguing Developmental Trajectories in Psychiatric Disease Journal Article

In: Biol Psychiatry Cogn Neurosci Neuroimaging, vol. 5, no. 9, pp. 923–929, 2020, ISSN: 2451-9030.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Perreault, Michel; Power, Niamh; Touré, El Hadj; Caron, Jean

Transitional Employment and Psychological Distress: a Longitudinal Study Journal Article

In: Psychiatr Q, vol. 91, no. 3, pp. 735–747, 2020, ISSN: 1573-6709.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Linnaranta, Outi; Bourguignon, Clément; Crescenzi, Olivia; Sibthorpe, Duncan; Buyukkurt, Asli; Steiger, Howard; Storch, Kai-Florian

Late and Instable Sleep Phasing is Associated With Irregular Eating Patterns in Eating Disorders Journal Article

In: Ann Behav Med, vol. 54, no. 9, pp. 680–690, 2020, ISSN: 1532-4796.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Jacobacci, Florencia; Jovicich, Jorge; Lerner, Gonzalo; Amaro, Edson; Armony, Jorge L; Doyon, Julien; Della-Maggiore, Valeria

Improving Spatial Normalization of Brain Diffusion MRI to Measure Longitudinal Changes of Tissue Microstructure in the Cortex and White Matter Journal Article

In: J Magn Reson Imaging, vol. 52, no. 3, pp. 766–775, 2020, ISSN: 1522-2586.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Dehghani, Masoumeh; Zhang, Steven; Kumaragamage, Chathura; Rosa-Neto, Pedro; Near, Jamie

Dynamic H-MRS for detection of C-labeled glucose metabolism in the human brain at 3T Journal Article

In: Magn Reson Med, vol. 84, no. 3, pp. 1140–1151, 2020, ISSN: 1522-2594.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

McEwen, Lisa M; O'Donnell, Kieran J; McGill, Megan G; Edgar, Rachel D; Jones, Meaghan J; MacIsaac, Julia L; Lin, David Tse Shen; Ramadori, Katia; Morin, Alexander; Gladish, Nicole; Garg, Elika; Unternaehrer, Eva; Pokhvisneva, Irina; Karnani, Neerja; Kee, Michelle Z L; Klengel, Torsten; Adler, Nancy E; Barr, Ronald G; Letourneau, Nicole; Giesbrecht, Gerald F; Reynolds, James N; Czamara, Darina; Armstrong, Jeffrey M; Essex, Marilyn J; de Weerth, Carolina; Beijers, Roseriet; Tollenaar, Marieke S; Bradley, Bekh; Jovanovic, Tanja; Ressler, Kerry J; Steiner, Meir; Entringer, Sonja; Wadhwa, Pathik D; Buss, Claudia; Bush, Nicole R; Binder, Elisabeth B; Boyce, W Thomas; Meaney, Michael J; Horvath, Steve; Kobor, Michael S

The PedBE clock accurately estimates DNA methylation age in pediatric buccal cells Journal Article

In: Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, vol. 117, no. 38, pp. 23329–23335, 2020, ISSN: 1091-6490.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Naghizadeh, Milad; Mohajerani, Majid H; Whishaw, Ian Q

Mouse Arm and hand movements in grooming are reaching movements: Evolution of reaching, handedness, and the thumbnail Journal Article

In: Behav Brain Res, vol. 393, pp. 112732, 2020, ISSN: 1872-7549.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Burrer, Achim; Caravaggio, Fernando; Manoliu, Andrei; Plitman, Eric; Gütter, Karoline; Habermeyer, Benedikt; Stämpfli, Philipp; Abivardi, Aslan; Schmidt, André; Borgwardt, Stefan; Chakravarty, Mallar; Lepage, Martin; Dagher, Alain; Graff-Guerrero, Ariel; Seifritz, Erich; Kaiser, Stefan; Kirschner, Matthias

Apathy is not associated with reduced ventral striatal volume in patients with schizophrenia Journal Article

In: Schizophr Res, vol. 223, pp. 279–288, 2020, ISSN: 1573-2509.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Gabet, Morgane; Grenier, Guy; Cao, Zhirong; Fleury, Marie-Josée

Implementation of three innovative interventions in a psychiatric emergency department aimed at improving service use: a mixed-method study Journal Article

In: BMC Health Serv Res, vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 854, 2020, ISSN: 1472-6963.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Jacobacci, Florencia; Armony, Jorge L; Yeffal, Abraham; Lerner, Gonzalo; Amaro, Edson; Jovicich, Jorge; Doyon, Julien; Della-Maggiore, Valeria

Rapid hippocampal plasticity supports motor sequence learning Journal Article

In: Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, vol. 117, no. 38, pp. 23898–23903, 2020, ISSN: 1091-6490.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Penzenstadler, Louise; Gentil, Lia; Grenier, Guy; Khazaal, Yasser; Fleury, Marie-Josée

Risk factors of hospitalization for any medical condition among patients with prior emergency department visits for mental health conditions Journal Article

In: BMC Psychiatry, vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 431, 2020, ISSN: 1471-244X.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Garel, Nicolas; Bloom, David; Joober, Ridha

Treating anxious syndromes with pregabalin in patients with psychosis Journal Article

In: J Psychiatry Neurosci, vol. 45, no. 5, pp. 370, 2020, ISSN: 1488-2434.

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Gbessemehlan, Antoine; Arsandaux, Julie; Orri, Massimiliano; Montagni, Ilaria; Macalli, Melissa; Tournier, Marie; Tzourio, Christophe; Galéra, Cédric

Perceived stress partially accounts for the association between Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) symptoms and suicidal ideation among students Journal Article

In: Psychiatry Res, vol. 291, pp. 113284, 2020, ISSN: 1872-7123.

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Gonneaud, Julie; Bedetti, Christophe; Binette, Alexa Pichet; Benzinger, Tammie L S; Morris, John C; Bateman, Randall J; Poirier, Judes; Breitner, John C S; and, Sylvia Villeneuve

Association of education with Aβ burden in preclinical familial and sporadic Alzheimer disease Journal Article

In: Neurology, vol. 95, no. 11, pp. e1554–e1564, 2020, ISSN: 1526-632X.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

McGorry, Patrick D; Nelson, Barnaby; Wood, Stephen J; Shah, Jai L; Malla, Ashok; Yung, Alison

Transcending false dichotomies and diagnostic silos to reduce disease burden in mental disorders Journal Article

In: Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol, vol. 55, no. 9, pp. 1095–1103, 2020, ISSN: 1433-9285.

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Pascoal, Tharick A; Therriault, Joseph; Benedet, Andrea L; Savard, Melissa; Lussier, Firoza Z; Chamoun, Mira; Tissot, Cécile; Qureshi, Muhammad Naveed Iqbal; Kang, Min Su; Mathotaarachchi, Sulantha; Stevenson, Jenna; Hopewell, Robert; Massarweh, Gassan; Soucy, Jean-Paul; Gauthier, Serge; Rosa-Neto, Pedro

18F-MK-6240 PET for early and late detection of neurofibrillary tangles Journal Article

In: Brain, vol. 143, no. 9, pp. 2818–2830, 2020, ISSN: 1460-2156.

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Bolanis, Despina; Orri, Massimiliano; Castellanos-Ryan, Natalie; Renaud, Johanne; Montreuil, Tina; Boivin, Michel; Vitaro, Frank; Tremblay, Richard E; Turecki, Gustavo; Côté, Sylvana M; Séguin, Jean R; Geoffroy, Marie-Claude

Cannabis use, depression and suicidal ideation in adolescence: direction of associations in a population based cohort Journal Article

In: J Affect Disord, vol. 274, pp. 1076–1083, 2020, ISSN: 1573-2517.

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Malla, Ashok; Iyer, Srividya N; Rangaswamy, Thara; Ramachandran, Padmavati; Mohan, Greeshma; Taksal, Aarati; Margolese, Howard C; Schmitz, Norbert; Joober, Ridha

Comparison of clinical outcomes following 2 years of treatment of first-episode psychosis in urban early intervention services in Canada and India Journal Article

In: Br J Psychiatry, vol. 217, no. 3, pp. 514–520, 2020, ISSN: 1472-1465.

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Antebi, Lara; Carmichael, Victoria; Whitley, Rob

Assessing Adherence to Responsible Reporting of Suicide Guidelines in the Canadian News Media: A 1-year Examination of Day-to-day Suicide Coverage: Évaluer la conformité au journalisme responsable en matière de directives sur le suicide dans les médias canadiens d'information: Un examen d'une année de la couverture quotidienne du suicide Journal Article

In: Can J Psychiatry, vol. 65, no. 9, pp. 621–629, 2020, ISSN: 1497-0015.

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1699 entries « 30 of 34 »