Prevent Alzheimer Program

The PREVENT-Alzheimer Program

The PREVENT-Alzheimer program wants to recruit 500 participants. Their contributions will be the key to finding strategies that can slow or reverse brain changes that may occur in older people who do not suffer from dementia. Recruitment is currently closed.

To our knowledge, this program is the first of its kind worldwide. 

For more information, please dial toll free number: 
1 855-888-4485


PREVENT-Alzheimer means PRe-symptomatic EValuation of Experimental or Novel Treatments for Alzheimer’s Disease. The PREVENT-AD program is the principal clinical research activity of the Centre for Studies on Prevention of Alzheimer’s Disease, or StoP-AD Centre. The goal of this program is to study memory and brain changes in healthy people over the age of 55. While some people in this age group begin to develop apparent memory problems, many more may have undetected brain changes that mark the very beginning of the disease long before the onset of symptoms.
With rapid advances in technology, such as high-resolution brain scanning methods or the precise examination of brain chemicals, we can now detect early evidence of brain changes. What’s more, we can likely track these changes over time. These brain changes are more likely to occur in individuals who have had either a parent or sibling affected by AD. This is why we require that our participants have a close family member affected by the disease.

Alzheimer’s Disease Research links

Stop-AD Brain scan
Prevent-AD program

Prevention studies

The program examines its participants every year for changes in memory, brain chemistry, and scan results. Program participants are also invited to join one of several clinical trials (experiments) run by the StoP-AD Centre to test the effectiveness of prevention strategies. 

We have conducted two clinical studies with investigational drugs so far. No pharmaceutical studies are currently underway, but we are actively pursuing our research into the causes, mechanisms of progression, and risk factors with our cohort of research participants.

The PREVENT-Alzheimer program is bringing crucial information to better understand the biological processes underlying disease emergence and progression and to contribute to the development of promising interventions in individuals who may have pre-symptomatic AD.

Prevention is the ultimate cure !

Download the poster or leaflet by clicking on the images below.

Prevent AD poster
Prevent AD leaflet