The Leo and Rachel Hendlisz Awards are given to the best research articles of the year published by students and postdoctoral fellows of the Douglas Research Centre. These awards, which have been attributed every year since 2012, are an opportunity to highlight the accomplishments of students and postdoctoral fellows of the Douglas Research Centre and are made possible by the generous contributions of the Hendlisz Family.
As every year, we invite trainees to:
- Submit their publications for consideration
- Apply to be reviewers for the competition
Call for Applications
The Leo and Rachel Hendlisz Award is given to the best research articles of the year published by students and postdoctoral fellows of the Douglas Research Centre. Once again this year the trainees submitting the highest ranked submissions will be invited to present a short talk in a scientific event to take place in December. The awardees will be announced during this event.
Award value
- First Prize: $1,000
- Second prize: $500
- Third Prize: $250
Announcement of results
The trainees submitting the highest ranked submissions will be invited to present a short talk in a scientific event to take place in December (online virtual event). Although presentation at this event is not mandatory to get the award, it is hoped that most of the invited trainees will be able to participate. The awardees will be announced during this event.
For more details and to apply:
Deadline for submission: WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 2023, 5:00 PM
Call for Reviewers
As in previous years, the selection of the Leo and Rachel Hendlisz Awards for the best student publications will be done via a peer-review process. Specifically, the applications will be evaluated by a review committee consisting of post-doctoral fellows and graduate students. This is a call for volunteers to serve on the committee for the 2023 Award competition.
The objective here is to provide students with the experience of formal scientific review, similar to that occurring at the granting agency level. If you have ever wondered what it is like to sit on a review committee, participation in the present process will satisfy that curiosity!
Please note that you are not eligible to serve as a reviewer if:
- You have submitted a paper, for this year’s competition
- You plan to submit a paper, for this year’s competition
For more details and to apply:
Deadline for submission: TUESDAY, OCTOBER 31, 2023, 5:00 PM