Dr. Marie-Josée Fleury obtains a Partnership Development Grant from the SSHRC

September 5, 2023

Congratulations to Drs. Marie-Josée Fleury (principal investigator) and Xiangfei Meng (co-investigator), who was recently awarded a Partnership Development Grant from the The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council for her submitted project,  Défis et enjeux reliés à la stabilité résidentielle et l’insertion sociale de personnes antérieurement en situation d’itinérance logées dans différents modèles de logements permanents avec soutien.This work is led by Dr. Marie-Josée Fleury with three co-candidates: Bahram Armoon (McGill University), Nadia L’Espérance (UQTR) and Xiangfei Meng (Douglas, McGill University). In addition, the project is being developed with over 20 partners.

Congratulations Drs. Fleury and Meng !