Leo and Rachel Hendlisz Awards 2021 – Call for Review Committee Members

As in previous years, the selection of the Leo and Rachel Hendlisz Awards for the best student publications will be done via a peer-review process. Specifically, the applications will be evaluated by a review committee consisting of post-doctoral fellows and graduate students. 

This is a call for volunteers to serve on the committee for the 2021 Award competition.

The objective here is to provide students with the experience of formal scientific review, similar to that occurring at the granting agency level. If you have ever wondered what it is like to sit on a review committee, participation in the present process will satisfy this curiosity!

If you are interested, please email Nicolas Cermakian indicating your interest before Wednesday, November 3, 5:00PM. Please indicate your lab and level of training (postdoc, PhD, MSc student, and year in that program), as well as a brief outline (~2 lines) of your own expertise.

For more details please consult the full call for committee members.