Laura Kervezee, Joseph Therriault and Nikhil Bhagwat win the 2018 Leo and Rachel Hendlisz Awards

The Leo and Rachel Hendlisz Awards are given to the best research articles of the year published by students and postdoctoral fellows of the Douglas Institute research centre. The 2018 awardees were announced at a special scientific event held on December 13, 2018.

1st place: 
Laura Kervezee (teams Diane Boivin, Nicolas Cermakian) for her article "Simulated night shift work induces circadian misalignment of the human peripheral blood mononuclear cell transcriptome", PNAS, 2018

2nd place:
Joseph Therriault (team Pedro Rosa-Neto) for his article "Anosognosia predicts default mode network hypometabolism and clinical progression to dementia", Neurology, 2018

3rd place:
Nikhil Bhagwat (team Mallar Chakravarty) for his article "Modeling and prediction of clinical symptom trajectories in Alzheimer’s disease using longitudinal data", PLOS Computational Biology, 2018