October 22, 2024
Employee vaccination campaign against respiratory infections
October 28 to November 25, 2024
By vaccinating ourselves, we are helping to prevent the spread of influenza and COVID-19 viruses among our relatives and vulnerable patients.
Let’s stand together against the flu and COVID-19 this fall!
The employee vaccination campaign is offered to the following clientele: employees, physicians, medical residents, trainees, and volunteers.
Flu and COVID-19 vaccines will be offered at all clinics.
Get vaccinated from October 28 to November 25, 2024
The staff vaccination campaign will take place at several facilities. Here is the schedule for each of the sites. The information will also be posted on bulletin boards and the intranet.
We ask you to respect the rules of hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette and, depending on the site, to wear a procedure mask when required. It is suggested to wear a short-sleeved shirt to speed up the process.
You must also bring your health insurance card and your CIUSSS employee card or, for the volunteers, proof to that effect.
Employees can also receive their vaccine in population vaccination clinics and from designated super users in their workplace.
Healthcare workers who receive their vaccine elsewhere than a CIUSSS facility must provide written proof of vaccination to the Prevention and Health Promotion Department. Make sure to send your proof of vaccination using one of the two following options:
• By email: preventionssmet.comtl@ssss.gouv.qc.ca
• By fax: 514 457-8423
Please note that the flu vaccine does not offer protection against COVID-19 and does not worsen COVID-19 symptoms in case of infection. It is recommended that you receive both a flu shot and the COVID-19 vaccine. There is no required time interval between each dose of these vaccines. It is safe to get both on the same day.
Please do not go to the vaccination site if you have COVID-19 symptoms.
For more information, see our Covid-19 webpage or call the COVID-19 employee hotline at 514 457-8439.
Thank you for protecting yourself, your friends, your patients, and your clientele by getting vaccinated.