Did you know that persistent identifiers (PIDs) allow others to properly recognize and cite researchers’ contributions, and facilitate connections between different types of resources?
A PID is a long-lasting, unique reference to an entity or resource, such as an organization, researcher, or research output. PIDs unambiguously identify resources and contribute to research outputs being findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable (FAIR). As recognized by the UNESCO in its 2021 Recommendation on Open Science, PIDs are a critical component of Open Science infrastructure.
The uses of PIDs include:
- Appropriately recognizing researchers’ contributions (e.g., articles, peer-review activities).
- Citing research outputs and reporting their reuse (e.g., open datasets, biological samples).
- Tracking and connecting use of resources from different sources (e.g., grants, software).
Visit our new webpage to discover more and learn how to reference the Douglas and some of our core facilities using persistent identifiers!
Need help? The Douglas Open Science Team can provide information about the use and choice of PIDs.