Dr. Tak Pan Wong obtains research funding from The Alzheimer’s Society of Canada

We are pleased to announce that Dr. Tak Pan Wong has been awarded a Proof-of-concept grant by The Alzheimer's Society for his project, Role of cannabidiol in ameliorating neuronal hyperactivity: A cellular change during the prodromal phase of Alzheimer’s disease, under the Discovery funding priority.

The Alzheimer Society Research Program is a collaborative initiative that mobilizes provincial Alzheimer Societies, the Alzheimer Society of Canada, partners, and donors to support research directed at both eradicating dementia and ameliorating the lives of those affected by it.

This program provides grants and awards to support Canadian studies that promise new insights into causes, prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and management of Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias. In particular, Discovery grants are awarded to projects that explore the biomedical mechanisms of dementia, and are designed to support established researchers seeking to engage in innovative, high-risk, and high-reward approaches to dementia research. 


For more information.

Congratulations Dr. Wong!