Congratulations to the 2023 Roger J. Paiement Outreach Awardees

May 29, 2023

Thanks to the generous support from Ms. Danielle T. Paiement, the Douglas Institute Research Centre is happy to announce this year’s competition of the Roger J. Paiement Outreach Awards to Andrée-Ann Baril (Judes Poirier team) and Frédéric St-Onge (Sylvia Villeneuve team).

The goal of this award is to support the participation of graduate students (MSc and PhD candidates), postdoctoral fellows or residentsat an international scientific conference to present their research work in the field of Alzheimer’s disease or dementia, memory disorders or aging. The awardees will participate in AAIC: Alzheimer’s Association International Conference in Amsterdam and present their research.

2023 Roger J. Paiement Outreach Awardees