The Douglas’ Cerebral Imaging Centre (CIC) and McGill-Mouse-Miniscope (M3) Platforms were recently awarded funding through the 2nd Core Facility Funding Competiition from Healthy Brains, Healthy Lives (HBHL).
Healthy Brains, Healthy Lives (HBHL) is an interdisciplinary program, built on McGill’s global leadership in interdisciplinary neuroscience, that uses big data analysis to reveal the fundamental mechanisms underlying normal brain function and brain disorders. HBHL aims to accelerate translational discoveries and create a global centre of excellence in neuroinformatics at McGill to improve brain health in Canada and around the world.
HBHL is made possible through support from the Canada First Research Excellence Fund (CFREF), Quebec’s Ministère de l’Économie et de l’Innovation (MEI), and the Fonds de recherche du Québec (FRQS, FRQSC and FRQNT).
The CIC and M3 were among the three successful applicants out of a pool of 15.
The funding offered by HBHL will be essential for ensuring the ongoing success of these shared infrastructures.
Congratulations to Drs. Mallar Chakravarty, Dominique Walker, Patricia Pelufo Silveira, Cecilia Flores, Lalit Srivastava, Jai Shah, Romina Mizrahi, Mark Brandon, and Sylvain Willams, who are all named in these proposals!