Call for Abstracts: Douglas and McGill Department of Psychiatry Research Day

The annual Research Day of the Douglas Research Centre and McGill Department of Psychiatry will be back this year! The event will take place in person at the Douglas Hall on Tuesday, June 6 from 8:30am to 6:00pm.


This is an important event, which highlights the vital contributions of our students and postdocs to the Douglas and McGill communities. All graduate students and postdoctoral fellows currently working under the supervision of a principal investigator within the Douglas Research Centre and/or the McGill Department of Psychiatry are welcome to submit an abstract for an oral or poster presentation. Prizes will be awarded for the best presentations. 

The deadline for abstract submissions is Thursday April 20, 2023 at 5:00pm.

TO SUBMIT: Please complete the abstract submission form (in the language of your choosing).

English form:

French form:

Only complete electronic submissions using one of the forms above will be accepted. You should receive a confirmation email that we received your responses, otherwise please resubmit. The forms should work on Chrome, Safari, and Firefox.

SELECTION: Some abstracts will be selected for 10-min oral presentations. Some of the other abstracts will be selected for shorter talks or poster presentations. Selections will be made by the organizing committee, based on the following criteria: 1) the importance of the research question, 2) quality and scope of the results, 3) stage of the study of the applicant, 4) representation across research divisions, themes, and laboratories, 5) representation of different methodologies and levels of analysis within our research community.

All people submitting an abstract will be informed by email in May about the committee’s decision. The presentations can be in either French or English.

QUESTIONS? For any additional information, contact the Douglas Student Committee for Academic Life (

We are looking forward to receiving your abstracts!