Trainees received awards at the 2023 Douglas-McGill Psychiatry Research Day

The Douglas Research Centre and the McGill Department of Psychiatry held their annual Research Day on Tuesday, June 6, 2023.

Thanks to the participation and contribution of many trainees, researchers, and volunteers, this event was a great success. The day featured many short and long oral presentations, as well as a poster session.

Prizes and awards

The Research Day is also an opportunity to celebrate trainees who have been recently awarded prizes through the Douglas, as well as to recognize the best presentations at the Research Day.

Douglas prizes

Oral presentations:
Long talks
  • 1st (PRIX d’excellence du FRQS): Priscilla Carvalho Cabral (Cermakian and Martin Olivier labs [IR-CUSM])
  • 2nd: Salomé Xavier (Iyer lab)
  • 3rd: Olivier Parent (Chakravarty, Dadar labs)
Short talks
Poster presentations:


Psychiatry prizes

Oral presentations:
  • 1st (Marion Birmingham/Trevor Dennis Award): Vincent Paquin (Geoffroy lab)
  • 2nd: Jana Totzek (Lepage lab),
Poster presentations:

As always, we would like to thank Dr. Nicolas Cermakian and the Douglas Student Committee for Academic Life(DAL) for their tireless work in putting together the event, as well as the Douglas Foundation and the numerous donors who made this possible.