The Douglas Undergraduate Research Expo was held by Zoom on August 17, 2021, with a record attendance and a record number of presenters!
This year, the Undergraduate Research Expo prize winners were:
First Place:
Megan Park (Mallar Chakravarty’s lab): Characterization of brain anatomy and schizophrenia-like symptoms in C4 knock-in mice
Second Place:
Louise Toutée (Naguib Mechawar’s lab): Anatomical characterization of astrocytes in the human cerebellum
Third Place:
Thalia Nguyen (Outi Linnaranta and Serge Beaulieu’s labs): Tired Brain, distracted mind – Dissociative symptoms
People’s Choice Award:
Megan Park (Mallar Chakravarty’s lab): Characterization of brain anatomy and schizophrenia-like symptoms in C4 knock-in mice
Congratulations to the Douglas Academic Life committee, all those involved in the planning and preparation of the event, the presenters, and of course, this year’s winners.