2023 Leo and Rachel Hendlisz Award competition: Awardees

December 18, 2023

The Leo and Rachel Hendlisz Awards are given to the best research articles of the year published by students and postdoctoral fellows of the Douglas Research Centre. The 2023 awardees were announced at a special scientific event held on December 15, 2023.

lauren_mckenzie_reynolds1st place: Lauren Reynolds (team Cecilia Flores)

for her article “Amphetamine disrupts dopamine axon growth in adolescence by a sex-specific mechanism in mice.”  Nature Communications, 2023.


2nd place: Rixing Lin (team Gustavo Turecki)

for his article “SNORD90 induces glutamatergic signaling following treatment with monoaminergic antidepressants.” eLIFE, 2023.


Stephanie Tullo3rd place: Stephanie Tullo (team Mallar Chakravarty)

for her article Neuroanatomical and cognitive biomarkers of alpha-synuclein propagation in a mouse model of synucleinopathy prior to onset of motor symptoms. Journal of Neurochemistry, 2023.


Congratulations to the winners, and thanks to all the applicants, and to all those who made this competition and associated event possible, including Mr. Jacques Hendlisz and the Douglas Foundation, the Douglas Research Centre, the members of the application evaluation committee, and the Student Committee for Academic Life at the Douglas.