Thanks to the generous support from Ms. Marie Giguère, awards worth up to $500 are available to support travel and attendance for graduate students (MSc and PhD candidates) presenting their work at a national or international scientific conference.
Basic Neuroscience Division:
- Tanya Capolicchio (team of Cecilia Flores) : Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) in Adolescence Dysregulates the Signaling Pathway that Orchestrates Dopamine Development
Conference name: Society of Biological Psychiatry conference
Dates: April 28-30, 2022
Location: New Orleans, USA - Shashank Srikanta (team of Nicolas Cermakian) : Altered Light Responses in Mice Lacking the Circadian Deubiquitinase USP2
Conference name: Society for Research in Biological Rhythms conference
Dates: May 14-18, 2022
Location: Amelia Island, FL, USA
Human Neuroscience Division:
- Yara Yakoub (team of Sylvia Villeneuve): Longitudinal Blood Biomarker Trajectories in Preclinical Alzheimer’s Disease
Conference name: Alzheimer’s Association International Conference (AAIC)
Dates: July 31-August 4, 2022
Location: San Diego, USA - Alyssa Dai (team of Mallar Chakravarty): [Relationships between symptom dimensions and cortical morphometry patterns in the adolescent psychosis spectrum using an integrated approach leveraging insights from structural, functional, and transcriptomic neuroimaging]
Conference name: Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM) Annual Meeting
Dates: June 19-23, 2022
Location: Glasgow, Scotland
Clinical Research Division:
- Marjolaine Rivest-Beauregard (teams of Alain Brunet & Manuela Ferrari) :
Mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic : A comparison of the severity of trauma and stressor-related symptoms in the USA, Canada, Italy and France
Conference name: International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, 38th Annual Meeting
Dates: November 9-12, 2022
Location: Atlanta, USA
Mental Health and Society Division:
Xinyuan Li (team of Suzanne King): Functional connectivity of centromedial amygdala mediates the association between prenatal maternal stress and autistic-like phenotypes in young adults: project ice storm
Conference name: DOHaD World Congress 2022
Dates: August 27-31, 2022
Location: Vancouver, BC -
Gil Grunfeld (team of Jai Shah) : [The presentation of delusions in young people experiencing a first episode psychosis (FEP)]
Conference name: International Association for Youth Mental Health (IAYMH) 2022
Dates: September 29-October 1, 2022
Location: Copenhagen, Denmark