Olympus FVMPE-RS
- Unique system in Canada
- Two microscopes sharing one laser line (although only one microscope can be used at a time)
- Two dedicated lasers scanning modules: one for imaging, one for light stimulation
- Two Spectra-Physics lasers: Maitai XF-1: 710nm – 920nm, InSight DS-OL: 680nm – 1300nm
- Two High NA/Extremely long working distance (8mm) multiple immersion objectives for clarified tissues: the 10x and 25x XLPLN series objectives. Also, two high-grade multiphoton 20x and 25x water-immersion objectives.
- Resonant scanners for extremely fast imaging (60fps at 512×512, up to 438 fps at 512×32)
Molecular and Cellular Microscopy Platform
- Analysis Workstation
- Confocal Microscope
- High-Content Screening Microscope
- Laser Capture Microdissection Microscope
- Multiphoton Microscope