Monique Séguin, PhD

Expertise: Suicide, bereavement, risk and protective factors for suicide, intervention and clinical best practices
Monique Séguin, Ph.D., is an expert in suicide prevention and bereavement. She is associated with the McGill Group for Suicide Studies and is also a member of an expert group on suicide led by INSERM, the Paris-based National Institute for health and medical research.
Monique Séguin is particularly interested in the bereavement process and intervention strategies following suicide. In her work, she attempts to answer the following questions: How does bereavement after suicide differ from grief due to other kinds of losses? Are the reactions more intense, the healing time longer? What can be done to help suicide survivors? Is it really necessary to intervene?
Dr. Séguin also takes a keen interest in the life of suicidal patients. She developed the notion of “suicidal crisis”, the six- to eight-week period during which a person will think about suicide, actively consider it, and then make a suicide plan. Using this notion, she developed a guide for community workers to better evaluate and support individuals who feel suicidal.
Another aspect Dr. Séguin has been studying is the link between suicide and pathological gambling in an effort to understand if problem gambling is a risk factor leading to suicide.