Molecular and Cellular Microscopy Platform Rules

Please note that in light of the ongoing COVID-19-related public health situation, specific protocols have been developed to ensure a safe work environment at all times. Please consult the SOPs here.

All users must read and accept the MCMP rules to get access to any microscope. A form is presented to all new users on the booking website.

  1. Make sure your PI is aware of your usage and its cost. Ask the coordinator for information or check online through the booking software. PIs have access to usage statistics through the booking website.
  2. Users must have received training by the core facility coordinator or an approved trainer before getting access to any microscope. Users cannot train other users.
  3. Systems must be booked using the online booking to be accessible.
  4. Systems can be booked a maximum of two weeks before the day of the experiments. You may cancel any time up to 24 hours before the session.
  5. If you book a system and you don’t show up within an hour of the planned start, the system will be considered freed for your session and any user can book it. You will be charged at least half the booked hours if you don’t show up to a booked session.
  6. You will not be charged if a microscope is not working. In this case, you need to contact the coordinator (Melina) ASAP. Your usage will be credited if the problem prevented you from imaging your samples properly.
  7. The booking priority is as follow:
    1. Microscope owners on their own microscope
    2. Douglas users
    3. McGill users
    4. Other external users
  8. Please credit the microscopy facility in your publications by mentioning it in the acknowledgements as “the Molecular and Cellular Microscopy Platform at the Douglas Mental Health University Institute”.  This is important for the future of the facility. Authorship would be appreciated in case of a scientifically significant contribution, but not for routine work.
  9. If you damage the equipment, tell the coordinator ASAP either in person, by email or using the web form. If you report the damage promptly, the facility will help you pay for the damages and repairs and you won’t lose access to the microscopes. FAILURE TO REPORT DAMAGE TO THE EQUIPMENT WILL RESULT IN LOSS OF ACCESS TO THE FACILITY ON TOP OF CHARGES TO THE ASSOCIATED LAB OR INSTITUTION TO COVER THE COST OF TIME SPENT ON REPAIRS, INSTRUMENT DOWNTIME AND REPLACEMENT PARTS.
  10. Clean up the systems after use. This includes proper cleaning of the objectives, picking up any trash on the desk and putting all the equipment in its original place. Do not leave your personal belongings in the rooms when you finish. The facility is a shared space, please act accordingly.
  11. No food or drinks are allowed in the microscope rooms. Please leave them outside the rooms. You are liable for any damage to the equipment resulting from having food and drinks in the microscope room.
  12. Do not use gloves when operating the microscopes or the associated computers. You can manipulate your samples with gloves but remove them before touching any of the shared equipment.