Dr. Jai Shah: New insights could help prevent psychosis relapses in youth and young adults
Published on: 2024-09-11
A study, in which Dr Jai Shah took part, explores how to spot signs in delusions (paranoia, grandiosity) in adolescents and young adults to prevent psychotic relapse. Although delusions are key symptoms of psychosis, they remain poorly understood. This study examines whether these themes change from episode to episode. The results show that the majority of patients, when treated after a first psychotic episode, do not relapse, underlining the importance of early intervention and the need to improve access to care. According to Youth Mental Health Canada, 75% of young people suffering from mental disorders still do not have access to specialized services.
Recognizing this pattern of delusions in those who go on to relapse could help clinicians understand the experience of their patients and adjust the care they provide.
– Dr Jai Shah
Reference :
Study published in Jama Psychiatry
Dr. Jai Shah: New insights could help prevent psychosis relapses in youth and young adults
Media: Website
Source: McGill