UdeM, McGill to co-host interdisciplinary conference next May

Published on: 2023-11-24

The 26th biennial conference of the Life History Research Society (LHRS) will take place in Montreal in May 2024. This conference is expected to attract nearly 300 psychology specialists from around the world to talk about their longitudinal research on human development.

The event is co-organized by Professor Marie-Claude Geoffroy as well as his colleagues from McGill University and the University of Montreal, and will be held at the MIL campus of UdeM from May 28 to 31, 2024

This year’s theme is: Lessons Learned and Future Directions for Developmental and Longitudinal Research in Various Disciplines.

Several distinguished speakers will present there, including Richard Tremblay, professor emeritus of the Department of Psychology at UdeM, Anne Gadermann, from the University of British Columbia, and Michael Ungar, from Dalhousie University, Louise Arseneault of King’s College London, Robert F. Krueger of the University of Minnesota, and Benjamin Lahey of the University of Chicago.

To participate

  • Abstracts must be submitted before January 15, 2023 *EXTENDED DEADLINE*
  • Early-bird registrations can be done online until March 22, 2024 (fees range from $350 to $600)

The event is organized by members of the Research Group on Psychosocial Maladjustment in Children, funded by the Quebec Research Fund – Society and Culture.

UdeM, McGill to co-host interdisciplinary conference next May

Media: Webpage

Source: UdeM Nouvelles