Laser Capture Microdissection Microscope

ZEISS PALM MicroBeam Laser Microdissection system

  • Inverted microscope with a motorized stage.
  • Equipped with a color and monochrome camera suitable for bright-field and fluorescent applications.
  • Fluorescence and transmitted light illumination.
  • Equipped with PALM MicroBeam to precisely isolate uncontaminated source material from membrane or standard glass slides.
  • Suitable for DNA, RNA and protein isolation and applicable to cryosections and FFPE tissue.
  • Interactive pen display to facilitate the drawing of regions of interest.


  • 5X           FLUAR/ 0.25
  • 10X         FLUAR/ 0.5
  • 20X       LD Plan-Neofluar/ 0.4 Korr
  • 40X       LD Plan-Neofluar/ 0.6 Korr
  • 63X       LD Plan-Neofluar/ 0.75 Korr
  • 100X     EC Plan-Neofluar/ 1.3