Joseph Rochford, PhD

Joseph Rochford, PhD



6875 Boulevard LaSalle
Montréal, QC
H4H 1R3

 Office:E-2127, Perry Pavilion

 Office phone: (514) 761-6131 x3433

 Fax: (514) 762-3034

Director, Neurophenotyping Centre, Douglas Research Centre
Director, Integrated Program in Neuroscience, McGill University
Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry, McGill University

Lab name: Animal models, behavioral pharmacology, behavioural phenotyping


Advances in our understanding of environmental influences and molecular biology on neuronal and psychological development have allowed for the creation of more sophisticated and valid models of neurological and psychiatric disorders. Joseph Rochford, PhD and his team in the Neurophenotyping Centre provide consultation and phenotyping services to all members of the scientific community of Quebec and Canada interested in assessing the behavioural impact of genes, the environment, and their interaction.
Joseph Rochford is also actively involved in educational and training initiatives.

Key publications

Rousse, I; Beaulieu, S; Rowe, W; Meaney, M J; Barden, N; Rochford, J. Spatial memory in transgenic mice with impaired glucocorticoid receptor function. Neuroreport 8, 841-845, 1997.

Rochford, J; Beaulieu, S; Rousse, I; Glowa, J R; Barden, N. Behavioral reactivity to aversive stimuli in a transgenic mouse model of impaired glucocorticoid (type II) receptor function: effects of diazepam and al. Psychopharmacology 132, 145-152, 1997.

Rowe, W B; Spreekmeester, E; Meaney, M J; Quirion, R; Rochford, J; et al. Reactivity to novelty in cognitively-impaired and cognitively-unimpaired aged rats and young rats. Neuroscience 83, 669-680, 1998.

Spreekmeester, E; Rochford, J. Selective mu and delta, but not kappa, opiate receptor antagonists inhibit the habituation of novelty-induced hypoalgesia in the rat. Psychopharmacology 148, 99-105, 2000.

Mar, A; Spreekmeester, E; Rochford, J, Antidepressants preferentially enhance habituation to novelty in the olfactory bulbectomized rat.National Library of Medicine. Psychopharmacology 150, 52-60, 2000.

Cook D; Nuro E; Jones EV; Altimimi HF; Farmer WT; Gandin V; Hanna E; Zong R; Barbon A; Nelson DL; Topisirovic I; Rochford J; Stellwagen D; Beique JC; Murai KK. FXR1P limits long-term memory, long-lasting synaptic potentiation, and de novo GluA2 translation
Cell Reports. 9(4):1402-16, 2014.