Vasavan Nair, MD, FRCPC, FRCPsych, DPM, FAPA
6875 Boulevard LaSalle
Montréal, QC
H4H 1R3
Bureau:A-1158, CPC Pavilion
Directeur, Essais en psychopharmacologie humaine, Centre de recherche Douglas
Directeur médicale, Clinique de mémoire Moe Levin, Institut universitaire en santé mentale Douglas
Professeur titulaire, Département de psychiatrie, Université McGill
Nom du laboratoire: Prévention et le traitement de la maladie d' Alzheimer
Groupe thématique: Vieillissement, cognition et maladie d'AlzheimerDivision: Recherche clinique
L’ objet de ma recherche est sur la prévention et le traitement de la maladie d’ Alzheimer dans les essais précliniques , prodromique et stades cliniques précoces , en utilisant des nouveaux outils pharmacologiques ( essais de médicaments ) , et non pharmacologiques ( yoga et méditation ).
Le plan de recherche pour la clinique de la mémoire envisageait la création d’une cohorte de sujets bien étudiés dans les différentes étapes de l’évolution de la maladie d’Alzheimer. à savoir (i) le vieillissement normal, (ii) pré-clinique, et prodromique stades cliniques précoces de la maladie d’Alzheimer et (iii) les étapes modérée à sévère de la maladie d’Alzheimer.
Dans ce contexte, nous avons actuellement les projets suivants:
(1) Consortium canadien pour la neurodégénérescence dans le vieillissement (CCNA) – Une étude longitudinale. Nous recrutons les patients âgés en santé et dans les stades prodrome, préclinique et la maladie d’Alzheimer précoce. Mesures périodiques incluent des évaluations physiques, psychiatriques et cognitives. En outre, les mesures d’imagerie et neurocognitifs seraient inclus dans l’évaluation périodique. Le but est de recueillir des données au cours longitudinale de la maladie.
(2) L’essai clinique de maladie des agents de modification dans la maladie d’Alzheimer prodromique et au début.
i. Inhibiteur de bêta-secretate (Merck) dans AD prodromique et précoce.
ii. Gantenerumab (Roche) au début de AD
iii. Aducanumab (Biogen) dans MCI amnésique
(3) Effet de yoga et de méditation dans les sujets de contrôle sains et chez les sujets atteints de MCI amnésique. Un projet IRMf d’étudiant de Maîtrise (Ishan Walpola- Ms.C) – Co-supervisé par le Dr Pedro Rosa-Neto.
• Undergraduate medical training at the Government Medical College, Trivandrum, India. 1953-1958
• First psychiatric training at the National Institute of mental health and neuroscience, Bangalore, India- Leading to D.P.M. (Diploma in psychological medicine)
• Further in graduate studies in internal medicine and psychiatry 1965-1968- at Guy’s Hospital Medical School, London, England. Leading to M.R.C.P. from the royal college of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow in 1965 and fellowship in 1971. Membership at the royal college of Psychiatrists in 1971 (MRCPsych) and fellowship in 1981 (FRCPsych)
• Fellowship of the royal college of physicians and surgeons of Canada in 1972.
• Joined Douglas in 1972 as co-ordinator of research services under Dr. Heinz Lehmann. Upon Dr. Lehmanns’ retirement in 1976, re-organised the research department into the Douglas hospital Research center in 1979- was its scientific director until 1995. Then appointed as the first ‘psychiatrist in chief’ of the Douglas. Took over as the medical director of the dementia program in 2000.
• Honors: 1- CCNP medical honor in 1991
2- Exemplary psychiatrists award from the national association for the mentally ill (NAMI) –U.S.A 1993
3- Heinz Lehmann award for excellence in psychiatry from AMPQ (Association des medecins psychiatric du Quebec) -2010
4- Life time achievement award from the Canadian Academy of geriatric psychiatry – 2011
5- Canadian psychiatry association- John Cleghorn award for excellence in clinical psychiatric research – 2014
• Research: (1) Initial work in study of circadian rhythms of melatonin and cortisol- in aging and the Douglas longitudinal study of brain aging in collaboration with Sonia Lupien and Michael Meaney.
(2) Neuro endocrine studies- in schizophrenia, depression and aging – in collaboration with Dr. S. Lal and Dr. R. Quirion.
(3) Clinical trials in schizophrenia, depression and currently in Alzheimer’s disease. In Alzheimer’s disease, current projects related to disease modifying treatments based on the amyloid hypothesis and the potential of yoga and meditation to prevent age related neurodegeneration.
Iliana Papazova, M.Sc- Senior coordinator of clinical trials
Viswanath Venugopalan- Ph.D. – coordinator
Elena Lebedeva- Ph.D. – coordinator
Catherine Lee – Secretary
Publications clés
Nair, NPV, Lal, S., Thavundayil, J.X., Wood, P.L., Etienne, P. and Guyda, H. (1984) CCK 33 antagonizes apomorphine induced growth hormone secretion and increases basal prolactin levels in man. Neuropeptides 4:281 291.
Nair, NPV, Bloom, D., Lal, S., Debonnel, G., Schwartz, G. and Mosticyan, S. (1985). Clinical and neuroendocrine studies with cholecystokinin peptides. Ann. N.Y. Acd. Sci. 448:535 541.
Nair, NPV, Lal, S., Thavundayil, J.X., Isaac, I., Eugenio, H., Achim, A., Schwartz, G. and Guyda, H.(1985) Effect of normal aging on the prolactin response to graded doses of sulpiride and to arginine. Prog. Neuro Psychopharmacol. & Biol. Psychiat. 9:633 637.
Nair, NPV, Lal, S. and Bloom, D.M. (1985). Cholecystokinin peptides, dopamine and schizophrenia a review. Prog. Neuro Psychopharmacol. & Biol. Psychiat. 9:515 524.
Nair, NPV, Hariharasubramanian, N., Pilapil, C., Isaac, I. and Thavundayil, J.X. (1986). Plasma Melatonin An index of brain aging in humans? Biol. Psychiatry, 21:141 150.
Etienne, P., Robitaille, Y., Wood, P., Gauthier, S., Nair, NPV and Quirion, R. (1987). Nucleus basalis neuronal loss, neuritic plaques and choline acetyltransferase activity in advanced Alzheimer’s Disease. Neuroscience 19:1279 1291.
Quirion, R., Bloom, D., Nair, NPV (1988) Interaction between certain antipsychotic drugs and dihydropyridine receptor sites. The Calcium Channel: Structure, Function and Implications.
Morad, M., Nayler, W., Kazda, S., Schramm, M. (Eds). Springer Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 520 527.
Lal, S., Nair, NPV, Thavundayil, J.X., Tawar, V., Tesfaye, Y., Dastoor, D., Gauthier, S. and Guyda, H. (1989). Growth hormone response to apomorphine, a dopamine receptor agonist, in normal aging and in dementia of the Alzheimer type. Neurobiology of Aging, 10:227 231.
Quirion, R., Nair, NPV (1989) Dihydropyridine and phenylalkylamine binding sites in Alzheimer’s disease and other neurological disorders. In: Nimodipine and Central Nervous System Function: New Vistas. International Workshop, Cologne, FRG, April 12 14 / J. Traber, W.H. Gispen (Eds). Schattauer, Stuttgart New York, pp. 257 265.
Nair, NPV, Amin, M., Schwartz, G., Dastoor, D., Thavundayil, J.X., Mirmiran, M., MacDonald, C. and Phillips, R. (1993). A comparison of the cardiac safety and therapeutic efficacy of trimipramine versus doxepin in geriatric depressed patients. J. Amer. Geriat. Soc. 41:863-867.
Nair, NPV, Amin, M., Holm, P., Katona, C., Klitgaard, N., Ng Ying Kin, N.M.K., Kragh-Sorensen, P., Kuhn, H., Leek, C.A., Stage, K.B. (1995). Moclobemide and nortriptyline in elderly depressed patients: a randomized, multicentre trial against placebo. J. Affective Disorders. 333:1-9.
Nair, NPV et al., (1995). Reversible and selective, inhibitors of monoamine oxidase A in the treatment of depressed elderly patients. ACTA Psychiatric Scand, 92(suppl 386): p. 28-35.
Ng Ying Kin, N.M.K., Klitgaard, N., Nair, NPV, Amin, M., Kragj-Sorensen, P., Schwartz, G., Ahmed, S.K., Holm, P., Katona, C. And Stage, K. (1996) Clinical relevance of serum nortriptyline and 10-hydroxy-nortriptyline measurements in the depressed elderly: A multicenter pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic study. Neuropsychopharmacology, 15(1):1-7.
K.B. Stage, P. Bech, P. Kragh-Sorensen, NPV Nair, C. Katona and Danish University. Antidepressant Group (2001) Differences in symptomatology and diagnostic profile in younger and elderly depressed inpatients. Journal of Affective Disorders 2001; 64: 239-48.
Sonia, J.Lupien, Georges Schwartz, Ying Kin Ng, NMK, Alexandra Fiocco, Nathalie Wan, Jens C. Prussner,Michael J. Meaney, NPV Nair. (2005). The Douglas Hospital Longitudinal Study of Normal and Pathological Aging: summary of findings. Journal of Psychiatry Neuroscience, 328-334.
Fiocco, Alexandra J, Nair, NPV, Schwartz, G., Kin F. Ng Ying, Poirier, J., Lupien, S. J. (2007) The influence of genetic polymorphism on cortisol, cognition, and psychological factors in older adults. Biological Psychiatry 61 (6): 216.
NPV Nair, N.M.K. Ng Ying, G. Schwartz, J.X. Thavundayil. (2008) The metabolic syndrome and episodic memory deficit: Gender differences. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, supplement of March 2008.
Fiocco AJ, Nair NPV, Schwartz G, Kin FNY, Joober R, Poirier J, Lupien SJ. (2009) Influence of genetic polymorphisms in the apolipoprotein (APOE) and the butyrylcholinesterase (BCHE) gene on stress markers in older adults: A 3-year study. Neurobiology of Aging. 30 (6): 1001-1005.
Sindi, S., Juster, R-P., Wan, N., Nair N.P.V., Ying Kin, N. Lupien S.J. (2012) Depressive Symptoms, Cortisol and Cognition during Humain Aging: The Role of Negative Aging Perceptions. Stress, 15 (2), 130-137, March 2012.