Félicitations à tous ceux qui ont obtenu des Subventions Projet des IRSC !
Les résultats du dernier concours des IRSC ont été publiés hier. Nous sommes heureux d’annoncer que dans cette dernière compétition, les chercheurs du Douglas ont remporté près de 4,5 M $ en subventions. Félicitations à tous, et de très sincères remerciements à Dre Dominique Walker, qui préside sur le comité de révision interne des subventions du Douglas, ainsi qu’à tous les chercheurs qui ont donné de leur temps pour réviser les demandes de leurs collègues.
Subventions projet octroyés au Douglas
- Mahsa Dadar – Developing a novel ex vivo acquisition and analysis pipeline to understand the neuropathological basis of magnetic resonance imaging findings: application in Alzheimer’s disease
- Avec co-applicants du Douglas – Mallar Chakravarty, Naguib Mechawar, Yashar Zeighami
- Marie-Claude Geoffroy – Beyond the ‘Teenage Blues’: A longitudinal population-based study documenting the long-term outcomes of adolescent depression
- Avec co-applicants de Douglas – Massimiliano Orri
- Bruno Giros – Dopaminergic activation of microglia through D1 and D2 receptors controls inflammatory state and behavior
- Massimiliano Orri – Youth-emerging mental disorders: comprehensive analysis of long-term health, mortality, and socioeconomic outcomes across 4 Canadian provinces
- Avec co-applicants du Douglas – Marie-Claude Geoffroy, Anthoiny Gifuni, Srividya Iyer, Martin Lepage, Lena Palaniyappan, Geneviève Sauvé

Subventions projet octroyés ailleurs
De plus, certains de nos chercheurs ont obtenu du financement comme co-chercheurs:
- Delphine Raucher-Chéné (CP: Benjamin Goldstein) – Coronary Microvascular Reactivity in Relation to Brain Structure, Cardiovascular Genetics, and Serious Mental Illness in Youth
- Avec co-applicants du Douglas: Anthony Gifuni, Martin Lepage, Lena Palaniyappan
- Jai Shah (CP: Anne Cockcroft) – Youth co-design prevention of gendered personal and interpersonal violence in Botswana
D’autres co-applicants du Douglas:
- Linda Booij (CP:Angela Alberga) – Unintended consequences of participating in pediatric obesity interventions
- Mallar Chakravarty, Cecilia Flores, Michael Meaney (CP: Thomas Paus) – Group child care and cortical growth
- Massimiliano Orri, Gustavo Turecki (CP: Michel Boivin) – Genetic and environmental pathways in the intergenerational transmission of externalizing behaviour problems: A longitudinal study of three population-based cohorts
- Lena Palaniyappan (CP: Rudolph Uher) – Early identification of risk for major depressive and bipolar disorders from polygenic scores, family history, and developmental psychopathology
- Pedro Rosa-Neto (CP: Marc Roig) – Preventing post-stroke cognitive impairment and dementia with multimodal exercise training
- Sylvia Villeneuve (CP: Andrée-Ann Baril) – Biomarkers of Alzheimer’s disease in patients with diagnosed insomnia: identification of subpopulations at higher risk of pathology
- Yashar Zeighami (CP: Alain Dagher) – Effects of GLP1-agonist induced weight loss on brain, metabolic, and cerebrovascular health measures