ACCESS Esprits ouverts publie ses résultats préliminaires

ACCESS Esprits ouverts  a publié des résultats préliminaires de son programme, basé sur des premières données récoltées sur 14 sites à travers le pays.

Consulter le rapport complet ici.

Some of the key findings were:

  • ACCESS Open Minds provides a safe and welcome space to youth aged 11 to 25, including those from groups whose needs are often not understood or met, such as those who are Indigenous, economically underprivileged, LGBTQIA2S+ and visible minorities.

  • 96 per cent of youth say they would recommend ACCESS Open Minds services to a friend.

  • At one service that was economically evaluated, every dollar invested in ACCESS Open Minds saved $10 in downstream health care costs such as hospitalizations, emergency room visits, outpatient clinic visits, specialist visits, GP visits, public residential admissions, and prescription drug dispenses from community pharmacies.

  • The overall saving was up to $4,500 per patient per year in health care costs.

  • Almost 84 per cent of youth referred to ACCESS Open Minds services were seen within 72 hours of initial contact, compared to well over four weeks in other delivery models.

  • ACCESS Open Minds is making a positive difference on outcomes that matter, such as reduced distress, improved mental health and increased functioning.

Research from ACCESS Open Minds is generating critical new knowledge, such as waiting times to access youth mental health services in diverse contexts across the country, which should act as the backbone for making evidence-based service and policy decisions. ACCESS Open Minds is an ongoing research initiative. A final report with updated data is expected April 2023.

To view the preliminary data, please visit:


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