Gustavo Turecki, MD, PhD

6875 Boulevard LaSalle
Montréal, QC
H4H 1R3
Bureau:F-3125, Frank B. Common Pavilion
Telephone bureau: (514) 761-6131
Fax: (514) 762-3023
Site web du laboratoire:
Chaire de recherche du Canada sur les troubles dépressifs graves et le suicide – Niveau 1
Directeur scientifique, Centre de recherche Douglas
Directeur, Groupe McGill d’études sur le suicide, Centre de recherche Douglas
Co-directeur, Banque de cerveaux Douglas–Bell Canada (études sur le suicide), Centre de recherche Douglas
Chef, Programme des troubles dépressifs, Institut universitaire en santé mentale Douglas
Directeur, Département de psychiatrie, Université McGill
Professeur adjoint, Départements de génétique humaine, et de neurologie et neurochirurgie, Université McGill
Chef de psychiatrie, CIUSSS Ouest-de-l’Île-de-Montréal
Nom du laboratoire: Études sur le suicide
Groupe thématique: Stress, anxiété, dépression et suicideDivision: Neuroscience humaine
Groupe McGill d’études sur le suicide (GMES)
Les suicides et les tentatives de suicide sont des problèmes majeurs de notre société. Il est donc essentiel de comprendre, prévenir et traiter les comportements suicidaires. Les personnes qui souffrent de dépression majeure sont particulièrement à risque. Gustavo Turecki, M. D., Ph. D., cherche à mieux comprendre les caractéristiques cliniques de ces personnes en étudiant des éléments comme le développement précoce, les traits de personnalité et les facteurs neurobiologiques, et plus particulièrement les interactions génome-environnement qui augmentent le risque suicidaire.
Ses projets de recherche touchent sur la question suivante : «Pourquoi est-ce que certains patients dépressifs se suicident alors que d’autres, qui souffrent de la même maladie, ne le font pas?» Au niveau moléculaire, Gustavo Turecki étudie le rôle des facteurs de risque génétiques, notamment la manière dont le vécu d’un individu influence la fonction des gènes et accroît les risques de comportement suicidaire. En juin 2014, Dr. Turecki et son équipe on publié une étude identifiant une petite molécule, le micro ARN miR-1202, comme marqueur potentiel de la dépression.
Gustavo Turecki est directeur du Groupe McGill d’études sur le suicide (GMES), centre constitué de huit chercheurs indépendants, dont l’objectif est l’étude multidisciplinaire des facteurs de risque biologiques, comportementaux, cliniques et psychosociaux liés au suicide. Le GMES collabore avec la Banque de cerveaux Douglas – Bell Canada pour fournir les échantillons nécessaires aux études post-mortem sur le suicide et les maladies mentales.
Gustavo Turecki est également directeur du Programme des troubles dépressifs qui offre des services surspécialisés aux enfants et adultes souffrant de dépression grave et/ou d’un autre trouble dépressif grave. Ce programme n’offre pas seulement des traitements de pointe : il contribue également à l’avancement des connaissances sur la dépression majeure, ses facteurs de risque et ses traitements en intégrant la recherche à la pratique clinique.
Gustavo Turecki is a clinician-scientist who has been involved in the investigation of the neurobiology of depression and suicide, with a particular interest on functional genomics and epigenetics. Dr Turecki’s laboratory has made important contributions to our understanding of biological processes underlying psychopathology, including the first description of molecular mechanisms explaining the impact of childhood traumatic experiences on brain function. Dr. Turecki’s work uses epidemiological, clinical, psychosocial and basic research approaches, and has significantly advanced knowledge on mechanisms leading to suicide and suicidal behaviour. In addition, his laboratory has also made important contributions to the investigation of mechanisms of antidepressant response.
In addition to his scientific work, Dr. Turecki fulfills important local, national and international leadership roles in research, intervention and knowledge transfer in the field of suicide and depression. He is Full Professor and Chair of the Department of Psychiatry at McGill University and the Director of the McGill Group for Suicide Studies (MGSS), a world-leading multidisciplinary suicide research group ( with researchers in anthropology, psychology, epidemiology, anatomy and molecular biology. The MGSS also includes as a unique international resource, the Quebec Suicide Brain Bank (now a part of the Douglas-Bell Canada Brain Bank;, which sends over 2,000 brain samples to the best laboratories in the world every year. Dr. Turecki is also the Scientific Director of the Douglas Research Centre. Finally, as a clinician, Dr. Turecki is the Psychiatrist-in-Chief of the Douglas Mental Health University Intitute and associated hospitals (Montreal West Island CIUSSS) and heads the Depressive Disorders Program at the Douglas Mental Health University Institute, where he treats patients with refractory major depressive disorder.
Dr. Turecki is a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences and a Fellow of several scientific organizations, such as the International Academy of Suicide Research. He also serves, or has served, in the advisory boards of several scientific journals, and international scientific institutes, such as the Max Planck Institute, and was the inaugural Chair of the CIHR Advisory Board on Research Excellence, Policy and Ethics.
1980 Rotary Foundation Award for Highest Standing
1981 Rotary Foundation Award for Highest Standing
1996 Collegium Internationale Neuro-Psychopharmacologicum, Rafaelsen Fellowship
2001 Michael Kaplan Investigator, NARSAD
2003 Young Investigator Award, Canadian College of Neuropsychopharmacology
2005 CIHR, Day on the Hill delegation
2005 William Dawson Chair, McGill University
2006 Distinguished Investigator Award, American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
2007 André Dupont Award, Quebec Clinical Research Association
2007 Pfizer-DHRF Heinz Lehmann Award
2008 Exemplary Psychiatrist Award, AMI-Quebec
2008 NARSAD, Independent Investigator Award
2008 Research Award, Canadian Foundation for Suicide Prevention
2009 Distinguished Investigator Award, American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
2009 Douglas Utting Award for significant contribution toward depression and suicide
2009 NARSAD Oxley Foundation Investigator Award
2009 Scientist of the year Award, Radio Canada/CBC
2009 Top 10 findings of the year, Quebec Science
2010 Brickell Visiting Professor Award, Columbia University
2010 Personnalité de la semaine, La Presse
2011 Feinberg lecture, Tel Aviv University
2012 Heinz Lehmann Award, CCNP
2012 Research Career Award, American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
2014 Samarthji Lal Award, Graham Boeck Foundation & CIHR-INMHA
2014 Top 10 findings of the year, Quebec Science
2015 Joel Elkes Research Award, American College of Neuropsychopharmacology
2016 Prix Léo-Pariseau, ACFAS
2016 Canada Research Chair in Major Depressive Disorder and Suicide
2016 Distinguished Investigator, NARSAD – Brain and Behavior Research Foundation
2019 Barbara Dicker Brain Sciences Foundation Oration, Australia
2019 Margolese National Brain Disorders Prize
2020 CINP Sumitomo/Sunovion Brain Health Clinical Research Award
2020 Colvin Prize for Outstanding Achievement in Bipolar Mood Disorders Research – Brain & Behavior Research Foundation
2020 Martha Claire Loncarevic Lectureship, University of Toronto
2020 2020 Highly Cited Researchers (top 1% in research field), Clarivate Web of Science
Publications clés
Full list of publications
Molecular mechanisms of response to antidepressant treatment
- Lopez JP, Lim R, Cruceanu C, Crapper L, Fasano C, Labonte B, Maussion G, Yang JP, Yerko V, Vigneault E, El Mestikawy S, Mechawar N, Pavlidis P, Turecki G. miR-1202 is a primate-specific and brain-enriched microRNA involved in major depression and antidepressant treatment. Nature Medicine 2014;20(7):764-8. Note: We identified a miRNA that is differentially expressed in subjects who respond to treatment for major depression and identified a new molecular target for antidepressant treatment.
- Lopez JP, Fiori LM, Cruceanu C, Lin R, Labonte B, Cates HM, Heller EA, Vialou V, Ku SM, Gerald C, Han MH, Foster J, Frey BN, Soares CN, Muller DJ, Farzan F, Leri F, MacQueen GM, Feilotter H, Tyryshkin K, Evans KR, Giacobbe P, Blier P, Lam RW, Milev R, Parikh SV, Rotzinger S, Strother SC, Lewis CM, Aitchison KJ, Wittenberg GM, Mechawar N, Nestler EJ, Uher R, Kennedy SH, Turecki G. MicroRNAs 146a/b-5 and 425-3p and 24-3p are markers of antidepressant response and regulate MAPK/Wnt-system genes. Nature Communications 2017;8:15497. Note: This article identified four miRNA that were consistent mediators of antidepressant response over different lines of evidence. We identified new molecular targets for antidepressant treatment.
- Belzeaux R, Gorgievski V, Fiori L, Lopez JP, Grenier J, Lin R, Nagy C, Ibrahim EC, Gascon E, Courtet P, Richard-Devantoy S, Berlim M, Chachamovich E, Théroux JF, Dumas S, Giros B, Rotzinger S, Soares C, Foster J, Mechawar N, Tall G, Tzavara E, Kennedy SH, Turecki G. GPR56/ADGRG1 is associated with response to antidepressant treatment. Nature Communications 2020;11(11):1635. Note: This investigation revealed a novel role for G protein-coupled receptor 56 (GPR56) in mediating the response to antidepressant treatment.
Early-life adversity associates with epigenetic changes in brain tissue
- McGowan PO, Sasaki A, D’Alessio AC, Dymov S, Labonte B, Szyf M*, Turecki G*, Meaney MJ*. Epigenetic regulation of the glucocorticoid receptor in human brain associates with childhood abuse. Nature Neuroscience 2009;12(3):342-8. *shared senior authorship and corresponding authors. Note: This work was the first to show biological mechanisms for the lasting impact of social trauma and received widespread media attention, as well as 2,700 citations.
- Labonte B, Suderman M, Maussion G, Navaro L, Yerko V, Mahar I, Bureau A, Mechawar N, Szyf M, Meaney MJ, Turecki G. Genome-wide epigenetic regulation by early-life trauma. Archives General Psychiatry 2012;69(7):722-31. Note: This was the first genome-wide study investigating epigenetic regulation of the brain by the early-life environment in humans.
- Lutz PE, Tanti A, Gasecka A, Barnett-Burns S, Kim JJ, Zhou Y, Chen GG, Wakid M, Shaw M, Almeida D, Chay MA, Yang J, Lariviere V, M’Boutchou MN, van Kempen LC, Yerko V, Prud’homme J, Davoli MA, Vaillancourt K, Theroux JF, Bramoulle A, Zhang TY, Meaney MJ, Ernst C, Cote D, Mechawar N, Turecki G. Association of a history of child abuse with impaired myelination in the anterior cingulate cortex: convergent epigenetic, transcriptional, and morphological evidence. The American Journal of Psychiatry 2017;174(12):1185-1194. Note: This investigation identified changes in DNA methylation in myelin-related genes that associated with child abuse, specifically in oligodendrocytes.
- Lutz PE, Chay MA, Pacis A, Chen GC, Aouabed Z, Maffioletti E, Théroux JF, Grenier JC, Yang J, Auirre M, Ernst C, Redensek A, van Kempen LC, Yalcin I, Kwan T, Mechawar N, Pastinen T, Turecki G. Non-CG methylation and multiple histone profiles associate child abuse with immune and small GTPase dysregulation. Nature Communications 2021;12(1):1132. Note: This study combined multiple layers of epigenomic data to understand molecular adaptations in the amygdala, a brain region that plays a critical role in the regulation of emotions, in individuals who were severely abused during childhood.
Relationship between behavioural traits and depression and suicide phenotypes
- Dumais A, Lesage AD, Alda M, Rouleau G, Dumont M, Chawky N, Roy M, Mann JJ, Benkelfat C, Turecki G. Risk factors for suicide completion in major depression: a case-control study of impulsive and aggressive behaviors in men The American Journal of Psychiatry 2005;162(11):2116-24. Note: This innovative study furthered our understanding of clinical and behavioral risk factors of suicide. The new methods and original design used here are now regarded as standards in the field.
- McGirr A, Alda M, Seguin M, Cabot S, Lesage A, Turecki G. Familial aggregation of suicide explained by cluster B traits: a three-group family study of suicide controlling for major depressive disorder. The American Journal of Psychiatry 2009;166(10):1124-34. Note: These studies used new methods and original study designs that are now regarded as standards in the field to better define depression and suicide phenotypes. In particular, we study how impulsive-aggressive behaviours contribute to suicide risk, and have published in several high-impact journals.
Notable Reviews
- Turecki G. The molecular bases of the suicidal brain. Nat Rev Neurosci 2014;15(12):802-16.
- Turecki G & Brent, DA. Suicide and suicidal behaviour. Lancet. 2016 19;387(10024):1227-39.
- Turecki G, Brent DA, Gunnell D, O’Connor RC, Oquendo MA, Pirkis J, Stanley BH. Suicide and suicide risk. Nat Rev Dis Primers. 2019;5(1):74.
Publications récentes
Small Nucleolar RNAs and the Brain: Growing Evidence Supporting Their Role in Psychiatric Disorders Article de journal
Dans: Biol Psychiatry Glob Open Sci, vol. 5, no 2, p. 100415, 2025, ISSN: 2667-1743.
Cognitive control impairment in suicide behaviors: what do we know? A systematic review and meta-analysis of Stroop in suicide behaviors Article de journal
Dans: J Affect Disord, vol. 372, p. 358–369, 2025, ISSN: 1573-2517.
Evidence of microglial involvement in the childhood abuse-associated increase in perineuronal nets in the ventromedial prefrontal cortex Article de journal
Dans: Brain Behav Immun, vol. 124, p. 321–334, 2025, ISSN: 1090-2139.
A specific GPR56/ADGRG1 splicing isoform is associated with antidepressant response in major depressive disorder Article de journal
Dans: Eur Neuropsychopharmacol, vol. 93, p. 5–14, 2025, ISSN: 1873-7862.
Transthyretin Orchestrates Vitamin B12-Induced Stress Resilience Article de journal
Dans: Biol Psychiatry, vol. 97, no 1, p. 54–63, 2025, ISSN: 1873-2402.
Exploring PDE5A upregulation in bipolar disorder: insights from single-nucleus RNA sequencing of human basal ganglia Article de journal
Dans: Transl Psychiatry, vol. 14, no 1, p. 494, 2024, ISSN: 2158-3188.
Altered m6A RNA methylation profiles in depression implicate the dysregulation of discrete cellular functions in males and females Article de journal
Dans: iScience, vol. 27, no 12, p. 111316, 2024, ISSN: 2589-0042.
Investigating the contribution of childhood maltreatment to suicide attempt: A multivariable Mendelian randomization study Article de journal
Dans: Psychiatry Res, vol. 342, p. 116278, 2024, ISSN: 1872-7123.
Omics Approaches to Investigate the Pathogenesis of Suicide Article de journal
Dans: Biol Psychiatry, vol. 96, no 12, p. 919–928, 2024, ISSN: 1873-2402.
Evidence of altered monoamine oxidase B, an astroglia marker, in early psychosis and high-risk state Article de journal
Dans: Mol Psychiatry, 2024, ISSN: 1476-5578.
Proteomic evidence of depression-associated astrocytic dysfunction in the human male olfactory bulb Article de journal
Dans: Brain Behav Immun, vol. 122, p. 110–121, 2024, ISSN: 1090-2139.
Npbwr1 signaling mediates fast antidepressant action Article de journal
Dans: Mol Psychiatry, 2024, ISSN: 1476-5578.
Multi-omics profiling of DNA methylation and gene expression alterations in human cocaine use disorder Article de journal
Dans: Transl Psychiatry, vol. 14, no 1, p. 428, 2024, ISSN: 2158-3188.
Modulation of neural oscillations in escitalopram treatment: a Canadian biomarker integration network in depression study Article de journal
Dans: Transl Psychiatry, vol. 14, no 1, p. 432, 2024, ISSN: 2158-3188.
Endocannabinoid concentrations in major depression: effects of childhood maltreatment and relation to hippocampal volume Article de journal
Dans: Transl Psychiatry, vol. 14, no 1, p. 431, 2024, ISSN: 2158-3188.
Depression-Anxiety Coupling Strength as a predictor of relapse in major depressive disorder: A CAN-BIND wellness monitoring study report Article de journal
Dans: J Affect Disord, vol. 361, p. 189–197, 2024, ISSN: 1573-2517.
Dans: J Affect Disord, vol. 361, p. 425–433, 2024, ISSN: 1573-2517.
Integrative Genetic Variation, DNA Methylation, and Gene Expression Analysis of Escitalopram and Aripiprazole Treatment Outcomes in Depression: A CAN-BIND-1 Study Article de journal
Dans: Pharmacopsychiatry, vol. 57, no 5, p. 232–244, 2024, ISSN: 1439-0795.
Perineuronal Net Alterations Following Early-Life Stress: Are Microglia Pulling Some Strings? Article de journal
Dans: Biomolecules, vol. 14, no 9, 2024, ISSN: 2218-273X.
Perception of social inclusion/exclusion and response inhibition in adolescents with past suicide attempt: a multidomain task-based fMRI study Article de journal
Dans: Mol Psychiatry, vol. 29, no 7, p. 2135–2144, 2024, ISSN: 1476-5578.