Congratulations to Rémi Quirion, inducted in the Canadian Medical Hall of Fame

Dr. Rémi Quirion, Québec Chief Scientist and past Director of the Douglas Research Centre, was inducted in the Canadian Medical Hall of Fame for his health leadership.

With over 750 publications, Dr. Quirion is one of the world’s most frequently cited neuroscientists.  He has also trained almost a hundred graduate students and post-doctoral fellows, helping to build and nurture the next generation of young scientists. He has been much honoured nationally and internationally for his many scientific and administrative achievements.   

Rémi Quirion also had a major impact on the development of the Douglas Research Centre, by recruiting many researchers who have contributed to the growth of the Centre and to its international renown.

As Chief Scientist, Dr. Quirion now chairs the boards of directors of the three Quebec Research Funds and advises the Minister of Economy, Science and Innovation on research and scientific development issues. He is the representative of scientific research to the public of Quebec, and of Quebec to the world.

Learn more about Rémi Quirion on the Canadian Medical Hall of Fame website:

The Canadian Medical Hall of Fame also produced the following video on the occasion of the induction of Dr. Quirion