Timeline for the Douglas Internal Grant Review for CIHR Project Grants for Fall 2021.
July 26, 2021
- Submit your abstract to the Douglas Internal Review Committee (DIRC) together with names of suggested reviewers at Douglas, if you can think of some.
- The abstract can be a rough draft just to give us an idea of the content of your grant, to be able to select a reviewer.
- Applicants can approach potential reviewers themselves, as a personal invitation is often convincing. But the review process should still go through the DIRC, to allow eligibility for bridge funding.
August 13, 2021
- Submit your full grant to the DIRC. Also submit the previous reviews from CIHR and your response, if ready.
- When you submit your grant to the DIRC, you can submit your unsuccessful version from the last round, if necessary, to save time. However you will likely get more meaningful feedback if you submit a newer version revised in response to reviews from last round.
September 1, 2021
- You will receive feedback from reviewers.
September 15, 2021
- CIHR grant submission deadline.
To submit
Please send your abstract to: mathieu.brodeur@douglas.mcgill.ca and patricia.boksa@mcgill.ca
This Douglas review process may provide valuable feedback for you to improve your grant, and will make you automatically eligible for McGill bridge funding, without having to go through the McGill internal review.