3D imaging workstation
- Windows Server 2012 R2 operating system
- Software Installed: Imaris, cellSens, VS-Desktop, Stereoinvestigator, NeuroLucida, Vaa3D, Fiji, ImageJ, OMERO and more
- Remotely accessible inside the Douglas network
- 128 GB RAM
- 2×8-core Intel Xeon Processors
- 2xNVIDIA Quadro 8GB GDDR5 Graphics Accelerator
3D imaging workstation
- Windows Server 2012 R2 operating system
- Software Installed: Imaris, cellSens, VS-Desktop, Stereoinvestigator, NeuroLucida, Vaa3D, Fiji, ImageJ, OMERO and more
- Remotely accessible inside the Douglas network
- 128 GB RAM
- 2×8-core Intel Xeon Processors
- 2xNVIDIA Quadro 8GB GDDR5 Graphics Accelerator
Molecular and Cellular Microscopy Platform
- Analysis Workstation
- Confocal Microscope
- High-Content Screening Microscope
- Laser Capture Microdissection Microscope
- Multiphoton Microscope