Academic life at the Douglas

2020 Douglas Special Scientific Symposia (D3S)

We’re glad to introduce the D3S: the Douglas Special Scientific Symposia! In these times of social isolation, we still want to discuss our great research, and trainees of the research centre still need to get experience at presenting to an audience. Unfortunately, the current situation will prevent us from holding a research day as originally planned on June 16th. But luckily, the D3S will partly compensate for this!

Organized by the Douglas Academic Life committee, the D3S will include a mix of long and short talks by students and postdocs, offered via a Web conferencing service. The events will be held on : May 21, June 4, June 18 and July 2, 2020, from 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM. Each 90-minute D3S session will include 3 long talks and 7 short talks, for a total of 40 talks.

Presentation types:

  • Long talks: 10 minutes + 5 minutes questions: for graduate students and postdocs who have a complete or almost complete story to present.
  • Short talks: 3-5 minutes + 2 minutes questions: for graduate students and postdocs who have a less developed story yet have original data to present.

The presenters will be graduate students (MSc or PhD level), postdocs or residents, under the supervision of a Douglas principal investigator.

The best presentation will be awarded a $1000 prize from FRQS. Other prizes will be awarded for high-quality presentations.

Official poster

Annual Research Day of the Douglas Hospital Research Centre and McGill Department of Psychiatry

Research Day 2018This flagship event of Douglas academic life takes place in the spring and highlights the research contributions of students and postdocs of the Douglas Institute Research Centre and McGill Department of Psychiatry.

This full-day event includes a series of oral presentations, a poster session, a data blitz, a keynote lecture, prizes for the best oral and poster presentations, and a wine & cheese cocktail to celebrate the awardees.

Research Blitz

This fun, informal event takes place a few times per year, and showcases the research of trainees at the Douglas Hospital Research Center. Short oral presentations by trainees are followed by a relaxed, panel style question and answer period.


Undergraduate Research Expo

This scientific event occurs at the end of the summer, and provides undergraduate students training at the Douglas the opportunity to present their research findings. This “Expo” includes posters presented by the students, with prizes awarded for the best presentations. Graduate students and postdocs also have the opportunity to act as judges in this event.

2018 Hendlisz Award event

2018 Hendlisz winnersThe Leo and Rachel Hendlisz Awards are given to the Douglas trainees who have published the best research articles over the past year. The awarding process is through peer-review, with a panel of graduate students and postdocs reviewing, discussing and ranking the applications. During an event held in December, the top nominees present a short talk, and the awards are then announced.


On the picture, left to right: Joseph Therriault, Jacques Hendlisz, Laura Kervezee, Nikhil Bhagwat.


Brain Imaging Center (CIC) lecture Series

The CIC provides a series of lectures on brain imaging on a weekly basis.  View our calendar of events.

Neuroscience for Mental Health Seminars

Weekly seminars on different topics in Neuroscience. View our calendar of events.

Douglas Clinical Observership Program

The Clinical Observership Program is designed to familiarize research students with clinical practice. Some trainees, even if their graduate or postdoc research deals with mental illness, may have no opportunities to witness psychiatric pathology and how it is treated in the clinic. This observership program fills this gap. Participating students observe Douglas Hospital psychiatrists in their practice in one of the clinics of the hospital. Each observership placement involves one half-day of observership weekly, for 4 consecutive weeks.

Brain Reach 

BrainReach is recruiting volunteers for 2019-2020. BrainReach is a science education outreach organization founded by students in the Integrated Program in Neuroscience at McGill. We teach neuroscience through hands on accessible lessons to students in elementary and highschool classrooms across Montreal. We are also involved with science education outreach to remote and indigenous communities. Our free program is offered in both English and French.

If you are interested in volunteering with us please fill out this form (open to all graduate students):

You can learn more by visiting our websites: and or emailing us at